If you are ready to get started working toward your college degree, Archways To Opportunity® offers programs to help make your goals a reality – in a way that fits your lifestyle.

CSN’s Connection to Archways To Opportunity is through a close partnership with McDonald’s restaurant local  franchisees.

For more information, email archways@csn.edu or call (702) 651-4943

McDonalds Archways to Opportunity Logo

McDonald’s Archways to Opportunity program

McDonald’s local partnership with CSN is an exciting opportunity for our students and restaurant employees to leverage their employment with McDonald’s to accelerate their journey to obtaining post-secondary training and education.  Both organizations are committed to the future success of all individuals within our communities through education, training, and meaningful employment.

CSN is committed to empowering our students and communities to achieve, succeed and prosper. The Archways To Opportunity program will assist McDonald’s restaurant employees aspiring to continue their education by evaluating the skills learned through McDonald’s restaurant employee training program.

Prospective CSN students employed by McDonald’s restaurants can use their acquired on the job skills and knowledge to potentially earn college credit at CSN towards a career readiness skills certificate.  McDonald’s restaurant employees who demonstrate mastery of the required course objectives can be awarded credit which accelerates their pathway into a wide range of career fields for further study.

CSN is an open admissions institution with over 200 programs that lead up to a bachelor’s degree in some areas and include skills certificates, certificates of completion, Associate’s degrees, and the attainment of value industry based credentials.  All CSN students are afforded a wealth of support services, advising, and assistance in applying for financial aid.

To learn more about the  Archways To Opportunity program, please go to www.archwaystoopportunity.com