William and Dorothy Raggio High Tech Center at Western
(adjacent to Western High School)

4701 West Bonanza Road | Las Vegas NV |89107
(702) 651-4688
Western High Tech Center

The William and Dorothy Raggio High Tech Center at Western provides classes to address the area’s demand for HVACR (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration) related job skills and diversified workforce needs of manufacturing and high-tech companies attracted to southern Nevada.

The center provides smart classrooms, computer classrooms, a conference room, faculty offices, and student services. Western is the home of the Air Conditioning Technology Center of Excellence. Programs and classes offered at Western include HVACR, English as a Second Language, general education classes, and event space for scheduling. For more information about these programs and events, contact the center.

Have a question? Want to know how CSN Western Center can assist you? Reach out and connect with our staff!

Contact Us

Laura Anaya
Program Officer
(702) 651-2695

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

(Closed Weekends)

  • Hours of operation vary in between semesters and during the summer Semester. Call to confirm.
  • Computer lab hours may differ from campus hours. Call to confirm.