CSN - Accounts Payable & Travel Accounting

While we're responsible for paying the bills, our staff can also answer your travel questions and advise you as to what expenditures are allowable before you make your travel arrangements.

Mailing Address:
Sort code NLV F-110
3200 E. Cheyenne Avenue
North Las Vegas, NV 89030

Contact Information:
Stephanie Little – Accounts Payable Manager
Email Stephanie Little

Robert Sharp – Travel Accounting
Email Robert Sharp

Prestige Travel - (702) 946-5268

Accounts Payable
Email Accounts Payable

Terry Milligan - Accounts Payable
Email Terry Milligan

Maricel Pancho - Accounts Payable 
Email Maricel Pancho 


All members of the CSN community are entitled to receive reimbursement for approved travel expenses incurred in the transaction of college business (NRS § 281.160). "Members of the CSN community” include faculty, professional staff, classified staff, students, volunteers, candidates, contractors, and independent contractors of the college. A volunteer must execute a Volunteer Agreement with the Human Resources Department prior to traveling on college business. A student must be registered at CSN to be eligible to travel. This policy applies to all members of the CSN community unless otherwise specified.

This Travel policy applies to all travel expenses paid by CSN regardless of the source of funds.

It is the traveler's responsibility to comply with the CSN Travel Policy. The individuals who approve travel are responsible for accurately reviewing expense reports for compliance. Travelers should exercise propriety when incurring travel expenses. Expenses incurred while in official "business travel" status will be reimbursed only if the expenses are properly authorized, reasonable, and documented. A traveler who incurs such business travel expenses should neither lose nor gain personal funds as a result of such travel. Expenses incurred by a traveler that do not comply with policy are the responsibility of the traveler.

Cost-saving alternatives such as early arrival on a Saturday instead of a Sunday to save on airfare should be considered (and must be documented when used). The costs for an extra night of lodging and an extra day of meal per diems should be considered when calculating savings on an early arrival.

Travelers may arrange to arrive the day before a scheduled event if it is not possible to arrive the same day and be on time. Travelers may extend their stay until the day after a scheduled event only if a return trip is not possible on the last day of the event.

Governmental agencies or professional associations may pay travel and subsistence expenses of a college employee when the employee attends specified meetings or activities to represent or otherwise act in the interest of the college. A Spend Authorization is not required for such travel. An employee traveling as a member of a non-college advisory board or similar body must do so as a representative of the college, not as an interested private individual. Under no circumstances is an employee to receive reimbursement from both the college and an outside source for the same expense.

A traveler who receives more than the travel expenses allowed by statute is liable to the state for the overpayment, regardless of who discovers the overpayment (CSN, State General Accounting Office, or Internal Audit), the time-frame of discovery, or the funding source. The college assumes no obligation to reimburse employees for incurred expenses that are not in compliance with college policy.

All travelers (in-state and out-of-state) must obtain authorization prior to travel by completing a Spend Authorization and obtaining the appropriate approvals as required.

Any travel expense incurred prior to obtaining an approved Spend Authorization is the responsibility of the traveler.

Exceptions for excess lodging must be requested on the Spend Authorization and approved by the Work Tag Manager.  No appeals will be approved after travel has commenced.

All attachments must be legible and scanned in the appropriate direction.

A traveler may be reimbursed for less than the established per diem rates or incurred expenses if so specified on the Spend Authorization at the time the travel is approved by Work Tag Manager.

The approved Spend Authorization must be submitted to the Travel Accounting Office not fewer than ten (10) working days prior to the date of travel.

Each travel claim will be reviewed by the travel accounting office staff for:

·         business purpose
·         correct totals
·         original supporting documentation and receipts
·         policy compliance

International Travel
For all International Travel, refer to the Memo from the Chancellor’s Office dated April 6, 2021.

Team or group travel involves a minimum of three students and one full-time college employee. For team or group travel, one college employee assumes responsibility for the payment and reporting of all expenses associated with the trip. Team/group travelers are subject to the requirements of this travel policy.

When teams/groups charter a bus, a maximum gratuity of $150 is allowed for the round trip.

In accordance with IRS regulations (Publication 463), if a spouse, dependent, or other individual travels with an employee on an official CSN business trip, all the expenses paid or reimbursed for the accompanying individual are considered income to the employee and subject to all applicable earnings taxes unless the accompanying individual is an employee, has a bona fide business purpose for the travel, and would otherwise be allowed to deduct the travel expenses.

For a bona fide business purpose to exist, a real business purpose for the individual’s presence must be proven. According to IRS regulations, incidental services, such as typing notes or assisting in entertaining clients, candidates, or recruits are not considered to be bona fide business purposes.

Airfare, vehicle rental, lodging, per diem, and incidental expenses paid on behalf of the spouse, dependent, or other individuals (either provided or reimbursed) are subject to payment of federal income tax, FICA, and Medicare by the employee.

When expenses are paid or reimbursed for an accompanying individual, an allowance for the payment of fringe benefits due on the additional compensation to the employee must be obligated within the fringe benefits budget line of the account charged for the other individual’s travel.

Personal or vacation travel may be combined with business travel provided there is no additional cost to the college. Employees who incorporate personal and business travel must clearly demonstrate that the costs borne by CSN are not increased by the personal travel.

If a personal side trip will be taken while on business travel, and the side trip requires air transportation, the traveler must submit a price quote for the cost of the standard round-trip business airfare (without the side trip). The price quote must be obtained on the same date that the trip is ticketed.

A check payable to the Board of Regents for the price difference between the standard round-trip business airfare and the airfare that includes the personal side trip must be attached to the Expense Report. For rental vehicles, the total rental charge will be prorated between business-related use and personal side trip use. The traveler will be reimbursed for the prorated business-related use only.

College business insurance coverage will not apply while on personal or vacation travel.


A traveler must use standard college purchasing procedures to pay for registration fees. Team and group lodging can be prepaid by the Purchasing Department, however, lodging for individual travel will neither be prepaid nor advanced by the college.

Travelers may use the college-sponsored, personal-liability corporate card to pay for travel-related business expenses. A traveler may also use a personal credit card to pay for business expenses. The traveler will be reimbursed for valid expenses after an Expense Report is completed and approved. Finance charges and/or late fees on cards will not be paid by the college.

Information on the CSN-sponsored corporate card is available at the Purchasing Department.

Travel advances are limited to per diem as defined by the US General Services Administration (GSA). Only one travel advance transaction per trip will be processed, so travelers are encouraged to anticipate all expenses.

Foreign travelers should consult with the Travel Accounting Office before requesting a travel advance. Only CSN employees are eligible for a travel advance.

Travel advances are not available for team or group travel or unchaperoned students or volunteers. Team or group travel advances are issued for per diem as defined by GSA.

Travel advances must be approved on the Spend Authorization via Workday at least ten (10) working days in advance of the scheduled departure date. When approved, the travel advance check will be available in the Travel Accounting Office approximately (3) three working days prior to the departure date.  It is the traveler's responsibility to personally pick up the check or have the check picked up by a representative of the department. A travel advance check will not be sent to the traveler via campus mail delivery. A travel advance check for team or group travel will be issued payable to a college faculty advisor or a college employee acting in an advisory capacity,

An advance must be cleared within fifteen (15) working days after completion of the trip by creating an Expense Report. For teams/groups, the Expense Report must include a list of all travelers with signatures from each person who received funds. Documentation indicating the room assignment for each traveler must also be included with the Expense Report.

If the advanced amount was in excess of actual needs, the recipient must return the excess amount to the Travel Accounting Office in the form of a personal check or money order payable to the "Board of Regents" (NO CASH).

Do not return excess travel directly through the college Cashier's Office; as doing so will not clear the traveler's outstanding travel advance. A new travel advance request will be processed only if the traveler has no outstanding travel advances. Failure to properly account for travel advances in a timely manner may result in suspension or cancellation of travel privileges.

CSN’s Athletics Department must follow the Protocol and Procedure for Prepaid Expense Card Program. (updated 2019/05)

Meal and Incidental Per Diem Rates

CSN travelers shall receive reimbursement for all meals and incidental expenses (in-state or out-of-state) at the federal rates established by GSA. If an employee chooses to expend amounts that are more than the GSA rate, the employee will not be reimbursed for the difference.

The GSA meals and incidental expense rates vary by location, and for some areas, by the time of year. The allowance established on the federal schedule is a daily rate. If a city/county is not listed, the GSA standard daily rate for the continental U.S. (CONUS) applies. GSA rate lookup link and GSA Main Page and M&IE Table

Receipts are not required for meal and incidental expenses.

When a traveler receives free meals, no reimbursement is allowed. Employees must indicate the meals provided or ineligible meals based on travel time on the Expense Report.

Continental breakfasts, no-host receptions, and snacks are not considered meals.

Meal/incidental rates reimbursement for the first and last day of travel will be determined based on the hours the employee is in travel status as follows:

  • Breakfast 12:01 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
  • Lunch 10:01 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Dinner 3:01 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight)

Breakfast per diem will not be reimbursed for travelers who depart their home city after 9:00 a.m.

Dinner per diem will not be reimbursed for travelers who return to their home city before 5:00 p.m.

No meal reimbursement is allowed for travel 75 miles or less (one way) from the employee’s normal place of work, for a period of fewer than 24 hours.

Per Diem will not be reimbursed to an employee or contractor for meals that have been otherwise paid as a hosted expense. Hosting during travel is subject to the college's hosting policy. Hosting expenditures may not be used to circumvent state or institutional regulations that restrict reimbursements or to reimburse employees for expenses incurred while in travel status in excess of GSA per diem rates.


CSN travelers shall receive reimbursement for all lodging (in-state or out-of-state) at the rates established by the US General Services Administration (GSA). Estimated lodging costs must be included on the Employee Spend Authorization. If an employee chooses to stay in lodging that is more than the allowable rate, the employee will not be reimbursed for the difference.

The GSA lodging rates vary by city/county, and for some areas, by the time of year. Rates have been established for most major U.S. cities and are referred to as non-standard areas (NSA). NSA rates are reviewed annually. If a city/county is not listed, the GSA standard rate for the continental U.S. (CONUS) applies.

Reimbursement for lodging taxes and fees is in addition to the lodging rate, but is limited to the taxes on the reimbursable lodging rate. (The college is exempt only from in-state sales tax. CSN is not exempt from any room taxes or out-of-state sales tax.)

Reimbursement for all lodging requires a detailed receipt that satisfies the college’s receipt policy.

Travelers will not be reimbursed for cancellation fees assessed by internet travel websites.

Lodging must be at a commercial establishment to qualify for reimbursement.

If the lodging cost is less than the allowed rate, only lodging expenses incurred and paid by the traveler will be reimbursed. When travelers receive free lodging, no reimbursement is allowed.

When a conference organizer arranges a special lodging rate for attendees, it is the travelers' responsibility to request the conference rate when reserving accommodations. If the conference is not requested, lodging incurred in excess of the conference rates is the responsibility of the traveler.

If travel is canceled for any reason, it is the traveler's responsibility to cancel lodging reservations. Any room nights charged due to non-cancellation are the responsibility of the traveler.

If an exception is requested as described below it must be requested in advance of the travel in the Justification field of the Spend Authorization by providing: In the case of a conference, training, or meeting at a pre-arranged location:

  • GSA rate,
  • The name and location of the hotel, the daily rate excluding taxes and fees, and

In the case where costs have escalated because of special events:

  • Information showing that lodging within prescribed allowances cannot be obtained nearby, and
  • that the costs to commute to/from a nearby location within established rates exceed the cost savings from occupying less expensive lodging.

If the condition(s) above exist for in-state travel, an exception equal to 150% of the standard CONUS GSA rate for non-surveyed in-state sites (sites that do not have established per diem rates on gsa.gov) may be allowed. If the condition(s) above exist for out-of-state travel, an exception equal to 175% of the GSA rate for surveyed out-of-state sites or 300% of the standard CONUS GSA rate for non-surveyed out-of-state sites may be allowed.

Lodging must be reserved and paid for directly by the traveler with the exception of team or group travel. Reimbursement will be made after the trip is over and an approved Expense Report has been submitted. Team or group travel may be prepaid by the Purchasing Department.

When two individuals share a room and split the cost, each traveler may claim for reimbursement his or her portion of the receipt up to the maximum individual allowable amount with total reimbursement not to exceed the total amount of the actual lodging expense. The lodging bill indicating the total amount paid by each traveler must be attached to the Expense Reports. Each Expense Report must cross-reference the other travelers (name and travel dates). An explanation must be included in the memo section of the Expense Report.

If one traveler pays the entire lodging bill, the traveler who pays must attach the receipt to the Expense Report under Expense Item Lodging-Group. Only the traveler who paid will be reimbursed. The names of all authorized travelers sharing the room must be listed in the Item Details section of the Expense Report. Each of the other travelers’ must indicate in the memo section of their Expense Reports that the entire lodging bill was paid by another authorized traveler and include the name and travel dates of the other traveler who paid for the lodging.

Reimbursement for Overnight Lodging within 75 miles of Las Vegas (or Principle Station): No lodging reimbursement is allowed for travel 75 miles or less (one way) from the employee’s normal place of work, for a period of fewer than 24 hours.


CSN travelers shall receive reimbursement for all foreign lodging and per diem at rates established by the U.S. Department of State. Receipts supporting the actual cost of lodging are required. An approved International Travel Request Form must be attached to the Spend Authorization.

Standard Expense Report documentation including receipts is required for all foreign travel. In addition, documentation must:

  • Show the exchange rate for the time period and the expenses to be reimbursed;
  • be converted into US dollars based on that exchange rate; and
  • be translated to provide as much detail as possible to assist in understanding the nature of the expense.


A person traveling on official business for CSN must choose the least expensive mode of transportation available when total travel time and cost of transportation are considered.

Reimbursement for any type of transportation, including private conveyance, will be based upon the lower of:

  • The coach airfare to the destination, or
  • the actual mileage by the most direct route.

When creating a Spend Authorization to travel, the traveler must attach an airfare quote (obtained at least 10 working days in advance of travel) from a reputable source, such as Expedia, Southwest or Travelocity to compare with the actual mileage by the most direct route. The traveler must also document the mileage by the most direct route by scanning and attaching to the Spend Authorization a printout for mileage from a reputable source, such as MapQuest or Google Maps.

The traveler will be reimbursed for mileage up to the cost of airfare in those cases where coach airfare to the destination is the least expensive mode of transportation. If the airfare quote is more expensive than mileage, by the most direct route, mileage will be fully reimbursed. (REFER TO PERSONAL USE SECTION FOR RATE REIMBURSEMENT)

Airfare quotes from Frontier, Allegiant, or other "low cost" airlines should not be used unless the traveler intends to use these airlines and all costs are included. Travelers will not be reimbursed for upgrade charges for seat selections or boarding charges. Travel by private airplane is not an approved mode of travel and there is no reimbursement for expenses incurred.

An employee may claim mileage for one round trip from home to the airport, plus parking when leaving a vehicle at the airport, or two round trips when being dropped off and picked up. Parking meter expenses will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $2.00 without a receipt.

Taxi fare (up to but not to exceed the cost of round trip mileage plus what parking would have been) to and from the airport will be reimbursed with an acceptable paid receipt and documentation of both costs. Tips are reimbursable as an incidental expense up to the maximum current GSA daily rate. See the GSA website (http://www.gsa.gov).

After the Spend Authorization has been approved, the traveler may make flight arrangements. CSN limits the approved class of airline service to coach class for all business-related travel. Upgrades are not reimbursable and may not be requested through the CSN Travel Agent. Airline tickets may be purchased directly by the traveler or by contacting the CSN Travel Agent at Prestige Travel (702) 946-5268.

Prestige Travel will purchase airline tickets only upon receipt of the completed and approved Spend Authorization. It is the traveler’s responsibility to check for all required approvals on the Spend Authorization confirmation received in your Workday Inbox. The Spend Authorization and approvals must be received no later than 10 business days prior to travel, regardless of how the travel is booked.

When travelers book their own airline tickets directly, the following applies:

  • In-state travel is restricted to Southwest Airlines.
  • Travelers will be required to submit a price quote comparison from one of the major online services such as Expedia, Travelocity, or Orbitz. If the airfare booked exceeds the lowest quote by more than 10%, a written explanation will be required.
  • Travelers booking their own travel must use a personal credit card or a CSN-sponsored corporate card.
  • Travelers must have an approved Spend Authorization prior to making travel arrangements. Any arrangements found outside of this requirement will not be reimbursed unless there are extraordinary circumstances and an exception memo is approved by the Vice President of Finance.
  • The need for refundable tickets (which cost more) will be approved by the Vice President of Finance on a case-by-case basis.
  • Travelers using grant funds must comply with the provisions of the Fly America Act 49 U.S.C. § 40118. More information can be found at http://www.gsa.gov search Fly America Act.

To cancel an airline ticket, contact the agency or airline where it was purchased. Some non-refundable tickets may be canceled and fully refunded depending upon the circumstances. Credits issued by online services or directly by the airline are generally not transferable. Travelers must keep track of their own credits for future use.

The traveler will be responsible for any cost incurred in the event travel is not completed or canceled timely unless there are documented extenuating circumstances. It is the traveler's responsibility to include a memo detailing the circumstances that prevented the travel or cancellation of travel. Reimbursement of any expenses incurred must be approved by the Vice President of Finance.

If an employee voluntarily terminates his/her employment with CSN, any travel expense incurred on his/her behalf will be deducted from his/her final pay.

Changes to airline tickets made by Prestige Travel prior to departure, or while en route, are subject to a change fee which will be charged to the college. Changes made en route at the airline counter cannot be charged against the college’s account. They must be paid by the traveler and, when there is a valid business reason, will be reimbursed.

The ultimate responsibility for retrieving and compensating for lost baggage lies with the airlines. CSN will not reimburse travelers for personal items lost while traveling on business.

If an airline delay requires an overnight stay, the traveler must attempt to secure complimentary lodging from the airline before making lodging arrangements.

Travel by other common carriers such as trains, ships, and buses may be used if justification is provided and approved in advance of the travel. Justification must indicate why the mode of travel is the most suitable and economical method of transportation. Common carrier services may be obtained by creating a requisition or be purchased directly by the traveler. However, costs incurred by the traveler will not be reimbursed until the Expense Report has been approved.

The most economical mode of transportation should be used, such as bus, subway, taxi, and airport shuttle services. Private limousine or vehicle services should be used only when it is the least expensive mode of transportation. Employees traveling to and from the same location should share ground transportation whenever possible.

Nevada State Motor Pool vehicles must be requested before renting a car in Reno or Carson City. If no state vehicle is available, the Motor Pool in Reno has an open contract with a local rental vehicle agency. The Motor Pool (not the traveler) will arrange to have a rental vehicle available.

Always review reservation, pickup, and drop-off procedures when making the reservation as procedures may change without notice.

Nevada State Motor Pool Daily Vehicle Approval Form (MP-2) may be found online at www.motorpool.state.nv.us/ or may be obtained by calling:

Carson City 1-775-684-1880

Las Vegas 1-702-486-7050

Reno 1-775-688-1325

In an effort to protect the state from potential serious liabilities, State Purchasing and Risk Management have negotiated overriding agreements with car rental companies for use during the course of state business. These contracts were entered into for both in-state (when State Motor Pool vehicles are unavailable) and out-of-state travel.

The use of these contracted companies is MANDATORY. The use of non-contracted companies is prohibited unless every attempt to utilize the services of the contacted companies has been exhausted. Should it be absolutely necessary to rent a vehicle from a non-contracted car rental agency (e.g., there is no vehicle available, you need to rent a large truck or van, etc.), then other measures should be taken to protect the state. In the case of normal passenger vehicles, these should be rented using a credit card which provides protection for rented vehicle physical damage losses. If this is not possible, the collision damage waiver should be accepted and paid for as part of the rental. For more information and a list of state-contracted rental car agencies go to: http://purchasing.nv.gov/Contracts/Documents/Vehicle_Rentals/

Rental vehicle use must be requested and approved (S.A.M. 0250.0) on the Spend Authorization. Taxis, hotel shuttles, or public transportation should be used when it is more economical than renting a vehicle. A rental vehicle may be used when it is to the advantage of the college. A vehicle rented by the college for official business travel will be not used for personal convenience. A traveler who has lodging at a conference site will not be approved for rental vehicle use without substantiating the requirement for its use. Taxis, hotel shuttles, or public transportation should be used when it is more economical than renting a vehicle.

The rental of premium and luxury vehicle categories will only be reimbursed to the traveler when required for pre-approved medical reasons (i.e., a driver with a disability) or when the traveler is upgraded at no extra cost.

At the time of rental, the traveler should check with the rental vehicle agent for any promotional rates, last-minute specials, or free upgrades. When assigned a rental vehicle, the traveler should inspect it before leaving the rental lot. Any damage found should be clearly noted on the contract and accepted by the rental car agency representative before the vehicle is driven from the rental lot.

CSN policy encourages the traveler to refuel rental vehicles prior to returning to the agency. This assures only fuel actually consumed is paid for.

The traveler is responsible for canceling a rental vehicle reservation with the rental vehicle company. It is recommended that the traveler record the cancellation number in case of a future billing dispute. Any charges due to non-cancellation may be the responsibility of the traveler.

A sedan, carryall, passenger van, or cargo van may not be rented or leased by a CSN traveler in Las Vegas, Reno, or Carson City. If one of these vehicle types is rented or leased, the traveler will not be reimbursed for this expense unless the following exception is appropriate:

If a Reno Motor Pool vehicle will not be available for the date requested, documentation verifying that a vehicle was not available must be attached to the rental agreement/receipt and submitted with the Expense Report to obtain reimbursement.

A cargo vehicle or truck (defined as a vehicle other than a sedan, carryall, or passenger van) may be rented without prior approval of the Motor Pool. Please contact the CSN Purchasing Department when renting a cargo vehicle specifically to move or deliver cargo or goods within, to, or from Las Vegas. Do not use a personal credit card to rent a cargo vehicle due to insurance considerations.

A reservation should be made directly with the vehicle rental agency. Use a rental agency from the list of state-contracted agencies found at http://purchasing.nv.gov/Contracts/Documents/Vehicle_Rentals/. Vehicles must be rented in the name of the individual but must reference the State of Nevada contract number. If you do not reference the State of Nevada Contract number, your personal insurance will be the primary coverage. These agencies provide full Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) coverage at no additional cost to the traveler/CSN. Verify that the rental agent notes that information in the reservation and on the contract.

If a vehicle is not available from a state-contracted agency, the traveler may rent from another rental company. The traveler should use a credit card that provides Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) at no additional cost.

In any remote situation, the traveler is not to purchase the medical portion of any insurance offered.

State of Nevada contracts with rental car companies are not valid in a foreign country.

A traveler must purchase all optional insurance offered such as the Liability Damage Waiver (LDW), Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Optional Theft, and the Personal Accident Insurance. However, the use of a credit card that provides Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) when renting the vehicle will eliminate the need to purchase the optional CDW and theft insurance coverage.

The traveler needs to ensure that any insurance purchased is valid for the foreign country in which the vehicle will be operated and that coverage is for the full value of the vehicle.

Charges for passenger rental vehicles must be paid using the traveler’s corporate card or personal credit card. The authorized traveler will be reimbursed for all rental vehicles on the Expense Report. Regardless of where the vehicle is rented, the traveler will not be reimbursed for incidental rental charges such as, but not limited to cellular telephone rental, GPS, child safety seats, etc.

If an accident occurs with a rental vehicle that results in property damage or personal injury, the traveler must immediately report the accident to the local police department and the rental car company. Once the police report is filed, the traveler must obtain a legible copy for the college.

A college traveler involved in a collision while driving a rental vehicle on CSN business should not incur any vehicle accident expenses if the guidelines above for renting a vehicle are followed. Should unforeseen additional expenses be incurred, the traveler may submit an Expense Report along with receipts, billings, or other related correspondence. The CSN Controller will arrange for the payment of any accident claim.

Except for the collision deductible, which should be covered by the contracted car rental agency, a traveler is not to make any direct payment for a vehicle accident or make any commitment on behalf of the college. Such action may result in the traveler becoming responsible and liable for all costs.

The traveler’s personal insurance is not to be used to pay any accident-related bills or invoices.

A traveler involved in a collision while driving a vehicle rented with a non-state-contracted rental vehicle company, or without ensuring that the State of Nevada contract number is listed on the rental contract, may be personally liable for all accident costs.

In the event of an accident while an employee is driving a personal vehicle on College business, the employee’s insurance is primary for all coverages. An employee will not use a personal vehicle for transportation of students on official trips without informing his/her insurance company and verifying that the vehicle is properly insured. Employees will not be reimbursed for any repairs to their personal vehicles even if these costs result from business travel

For the Employee’s Convenience:

Per NSHE procedures and guidelines manual, unless specifically authorized in writing by the employee’s supervisor for the employer’s convenience, an employee who makes a single trip greater than 200 miles shall use a State Motor Pool vehicle or a rental car instead of a personal vehicle for such travel if either option is less expensive than the use of a personal vehicle. If a personal vehicle is used for the employee’s convenience, the employee will be reimbursed at the convenience rate as established by the State of Nevada.

The employee convenience rate is one-half the standard mileage reimbursement rate. Airfare in lieu of the mileage reimbursement rate should be claimed when it is the least expensive travel reimbursement rate. Refer to the All Agency memo for the current year’s rates posted on the Accounts Payable website.

If traveling to a city that is not serviced by an airline, the employee is entitled to reimbursement of meals in route. If the city is serviced by an airline, the employee must be on either annual or compensatory leave for the extra travel time involved and meals and/or expenses in route will be not reimbursed. The Spend Authorization should indicate that the employee will be on annual leave or compensatory leave or include a statement from the department head or supervisor justifying why the employee will not be on annual leave or compensatory leave.

Examples of Employee Convenience:

* Scenario #1-Employee convenience: A traveler does not fly due to personal reasons, such as fear of flying. The traveler can only receive half of the per-mile rate.

* Scenario #2- Employee convenience: A traveler is combining college business with personal leave time and decides to drive because family is traveling also, or is traveling alone and wishes to have their vehicle once the leave time starts. The traveler can only receive half of the per-mile rate.

For the College’s Convenience:

Employees using personal vehicles for the convenience of the College will be allowed reimbursement at the standard mileage reimbursement rate allowed by the State of Nevada. Refer to the All Agency memo for current year’s rate posted on the Accounts Payable website.

1. An authorized written justification from the employee’s supervisor approving the employee’s use of a personal vehicle for the college’s convenience needs to be attached to the Spend Authorization.

2. Reimbursement for employees’ use of a personal vehicle for the convenience of the College will be made upon receipt of an approved Spend Authorization and Expense Report by the department and expense partner. Individuals authorized to approve such travel must take care to ensure the rate used is appropriate. In no case will the amount reimbursed exceed the amount allowed by the State of Nevada.

3. When the use of a personal vehicle for the convenience of the College is approved and the travel exceeds 75 miles (one-way), travel expense reimbursement will be made in accordance with the Domestic Per Diem section, where applicable.

The Accounts Payable & Travel Accounting will post on its website the All Agency memo, current standard travel mileage reimbursement rate after publication, and/or notification of any changes in the allowable State of Nevada rate.

If more than one employee travels in a personal vehicle on College business, only one employee is entitled to mileage reimbursement.

Gas Receipt Reimbursement: The College does not reimburse employees on gas receipts for personal car usage. The employee will be reimbursed based on the standard mileage reimbursement rates. The College will reimburse employees for gas receipts submitted for rental cars and/or Motor Pool cars. Gas receipts must substantiate the amount claimed. (Updated 2019-04)


The IRS considers mileage or other transportation expenses that are incurred for travel between an employee’s home and the workplace to be personal commuting expenses, regardless of when the trip occurs (scheduled work hours or other times). Since the IRS does not consider those miles to be a valid business expense, CSN will not reimburse the employee for them.

The only miles that can be reimbursed are personal vehicle usage as part of your job responsibilities, as follows:

  • Actual mileage between CSN locations (campuses and sites), and/or
  • Actual mileage between CSN and other valid, documented business destinations.

Mileage reimbursement must be requested on the Expense Report and must include the following:

  • Date(s) of travel
  • Departure and destination
  • Substantiation of mileage to a destination not included on the CSN Mileage Distance Chart by attaching a printout from a reputable source such as MapQuest; and
  • Business purpose.

It is the policy of the college not to reimburse employees for gas purchases based on gas receipts. However, if the employee wishes to only claim gas costs, and these costs are less than the allowed mileage rate when a private vehicle is used for the employee's convenience, the employee may claim such costs on the Expense Report. The original gas receipts must substantiate the amount claimed by scanning and attaching them to the Expense Report.

Mileage may be accumulated over more than one month until the total is greater than $25 (except for May and June for state funds). Mileage claims must be submitted by completing an Expense Report within the time periods shown below:

Month of Travel:Claim Due By:
July-April15 working days after the end of the month where accumulated mileage exceeds $25
May2nd workday of June for state funds, otherwise same as July-Apr
June2nd workday of July for state funds, otherwise same as July-Apr

In the event a traveler on college business is involved in an accident while driving a personal vehicle, the traveler will submit a claim to his/her private automobile insurance company as the primary insurer. The traveler may then submit a secondary claim to the State of Nevada self-funded Auto Physical Damage (APD) program and/or the State of Nevada self-funded Auto Liability (AL) program. For more information on these programs, contact:

NSHE Insurance and Claims Administration Officer (702) 895-5735



  • annual fees for personal credit cards
  • baby-sitting
  • vehicle washes
  • corporate credit card delinquency fees/finance charges/annual charges
  • expenses related to vacation days while on a business trip
  • laundry charges for travel less than two weeks
  • loss/theft of personal property
  • mini-bar refreshments
  • movies
  • “no show” charges for hotel or vehicle service
  • optional travel insurance for domestic travel
  • parking or traffic fines
  • personal clothing or hygiene items
  • personal entertainment, including sports events
  • personal telephone calls
  • rental vehicle cellular telephones
  • room service
  • non-meal tips/gratuities
  • cancellation/change fees charged by internet travel companies
  • TSA pre-check or similar fees
  • class of service upgrades, seat upgrades or early boarding fees

  • ATM access fees (up to $6) – one per trip
  • airline baggage fees
  • business telephone calls detailed with the person and telephone number called
  • currency exchange fees
  • ground transportation
  • hotel telephone access charges for college business calls
  • laundry/dry cleaning/pressing for out-of-state trips exceeding two weeks
  • parking fees
  • toll charges
  • mileage to and from the airport
  • taxi to and from the airport
  • internet access when required for college business


Travelers must submit an Expense Report and refer to the corresponding Spend Authorization within fifteen (15) working days after the completion of a trip. The college may not be held responsible or liable for travel expenses not submitted for reimbursement prior to June 30 of the fiscal year in which the travel was completed.

Travel must be approved by the Supervisor and Cost Center Manager by creating a Spend Authorization. Travel by an Associate VP/Assistant VP/Dean/VP/Senior VP is to be authorized by their immediate supervisor. An Expense Report without an approved Spend Authorization will be denied.

Each Expense Report will be reviewed by the Travel Accounting Office for:

  • appropriate approvals
  • business purpose
  • correct totals
  • legible supporting documentation and receipts attached to the appropriate expense categories
  • policy compliance

With the exception of per diem and incidental expenses, detailed paid receipts are required for all expense reimbursements (ALL receipts will be scanned and attached in Expense Report). Please refer to the CSN Receipts Policy (Appendix A)

Documentation supporting the Expense Report (receipts, conference materials, etc.) must be scanned and attached to the Expense Report.

Hotel folios (paid receipts/invoices) must show the dates of lodging and the cost of the daily lodging rate (plus tax) and must indicate payment was made in full in addition to the standard receipt requirements (Appendix A). If this information is not provided, lodging costs will not be reimbursed.

Ground transportation receipts via taxi, rail, bus, shuttle, toll, etc., must indicate from-to destinations and the purpose of the transportation in addition to the standard receipt requirements (Appendix A).

Vehicle rental agreements must be detailed and indicate the daily rental rate and all other charges. The rental agreement printed in the traveler’s name and a detailed receipt are required for reimbursement for car rental expenses.

Should the conference include optional meals with costs that exceed the meal per diem rate, the traveler must pay the amount over the meal per diem rate. Conferences that include mandatory meals at a cost greater than the maximum meal allowance may be reimbursed for actual expenses only from a host account. A paid receipt and fee package detail must be included with the Expense Report.

An attempt will be made to contact the Expense Report preparer for clarification of incorrect Expense Reports. Incomplete Expense Reports may be returned for additional documentation. Incorrect or incomplete Expense Reports may delay reimbursement or result in partial reimbursement of specific items without notification.

If during a subsequent audit of an Expense an overpayment is discovered, the Travel Accounting Office will notify the traveler in writing. The traveler will be requested to refund the amount overpaid within thirty (30) calendar days.



To determine what constitutes an acceptable receipt for reimbursement through Accounts Payable.


When reimbursement is made for a product or service, the college takes ownership of the receipt to ensure that the reimbursement is valid.

Employees requesting reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses for items purchased for state use must submit the invoice and a signed statement, which certifies that they have paid for this expense on behalf of the state. (SAM 2620.0)

An acceptable receipt contains all of the following:

  • Vendor or business name
  • Description of what was purchased
  • Total amount paid
  • Date of the purchase

If for any reason a cash register receipt cannot be provided by the vendor, request that the vendor complete a manual receipt which needs to include all of the information stated above.

Any receipt that does not include all of the required information is not acceptable as a receipt for reimbursement. An example of an unacceptable form of receipt is the “tear-slip” from the restaurant order form. This is the bottom portion of the waiter’s order form. If this is all the restaurant offers, request a cash register receipt for the transaction.

If there is the appearance that a receipt was illegally tampered with, the document will be referred to the appropriate authority for action. Other reimbursement and/or travel action will be suspended until the investigation is complete.