Active Shooter Community Response Plan

University Police Badge
University Police Shield, Nevada


The potential for a shooting in the workplace exists on every college campus throughout the United States. Although the possession of firearms on or around our campuses is rare, the availability of firearms and past national and county shootings dictate the need for a response plan, in case a shooting or other violent attack occurs.


All students, faculty, and staff must be continually vigilant to the risk of violence on campus. Every college employee is urged to be aware of:

  • Unusually aggressive, odd, or scary behavior of student(s) or coworker(s)
  • Threats of violence or retribution, either serious or said jokingly
  • Co-worker(s) or student(s) who are distraught or suicidal
  • Overheard comments or rumors of some kind of planned or intended violence
  • Presence of gangs or cults that have a history or suggestive behavior of violence
  • Fights or other acts of violence on campus
  • Presence of guns, other weapons, suspicious objects

Notify campus police of your suspicions or observations.


Immediate Action: When the shooting begins or you are advised that a shooting on campus has taken place, you should do the following: Get to a safe place and get everyone to lie down, away from windows or "fields of fire”.

  • If you are calling from a college phone, dial 9-911 to contact the police.
  • If you are calling from a cell phone, CALL "911." Identify your college campus or workplace and exact location. Remain calm and answer the police operator's questions. They are trained to obtain the necessary and required information for proper emergency response. Stay on the phone only if it is safe to so do. If not, keep the phone on, so it can be monitored by the dispatcher.
  • Instruct students and employees to (Shelter In Place) drop to the ground immediately, face down as flat as possible. If within 15-20 feet of a safe place or cover, duck and run to it.
  • Move or crawl away from gunfire, trying to utilize any obstructions between you and the gunfire. Remember that many objects of cover may conceal you from sight, but may not be bulletproof.
  • Try to get inside or behind a building and stay down.
  • When you reach a place of relative safety, stay down and do not move. Do not peek or raise your head in an effort to see what may be happening.
  • Wait and listen for directions from the police.
    Duck and cover. Keep students inside the classrooms and down on the floor. Move behind available cover inside the classroom.
  • Close and lock the outside door to the classroom if possible. Close the blinds, turn off the lights, and stay on the floor. Do not peek out the door or windows to see what may be happening.
  • Report location of the assailant.


In keeping with effective emergency planning, office personnel should have pre-designated assignments to ensure an effective response in case of a shooting. Actions by multiple persons must be taken simultaneously to expedite a response.

In response to a report of a shooting from a classroom or other area of the campus. If it is not safe to leave the area, everyone in the office should duck and cover onto the floor, behind protective objects, or into side rooms. Make required emergency telephone calls to the police from this position. It is crucial that telephone calls be limited to emergency calls only.

Note: Phone calls, other than for emergency purposes, should be made only after the police have cleared a phone line for that purpose. A phone call to friends or family will bring onlookers, bystanders, or concerned loved ones to the campus, interfering with the operation of emergency personnel and unnecessarily placing more people in danger. It is not safe for them to come to the location of a shooting.


When you call "911” identify your exact location. Remain calm and answer the operator's questions. Police dispatchers are trained to obtain the necessary and required information for a proper emergency response. As the police are being dispatched, answer the questions asked of you by the operator or police dispatcher. Although you are not expected to know all of the answers, answer them to the best of your ability.

Although you may think the questioning is wasting valuable time, the information you provide will enable phone personnel to dispatch officers and other emergency personnel safely and effectively. While you are being questioned, emergency personnel have been dispatched and are on the way.

You will be asked questions such as:

  • What exactly is happening and how do you know? Is it still happening now?
  • Where is the suspect now? What was his/her last known direction? Is the suspect still on campus?
  • Is anyone injured? Are there wounded and how many?
  • Where did it happen? What's the specific location of occurrence?
  • What weapons were used if you know? Knowing the number and types of weapons will assist the police in their response. Describe the weapon(s) or other dangerous object(s) if possible, and any visible ammunition:
  • Were any shots fired? Describe the sound and the number of shots fired.
  • Do you know who the suspect(s) is? If yes, identify him/her/them, and provide any background knowledge you may have.
  • Stay on the phone only if it is safe to do so.

Note: It is important to tell the Campus Police/Security dispatcher if your office has called or is on the line with the 911 operator.


Law Enforcement or the Fire Department will take charge of the operation and maintain full control throughout the duration of the incident. Police/fire departments will establish a command post(s) at or near your campus where all operations pertaining to the event will be coordinated.


The College is prepared to provide emergency notification appropriate to any given circumstance in the most expedient manner necessary to protect lives and property.


  • Immediate - To provide warning of an event and recommend a course of action
  • Long term - To provide information regarding an event as well as the current conditions such as closure and access restrictions


  • Face to Face - Direct contact by police, fire, EMS, and Area Safety Leaders
  • Runner - Group contact by individuals moving from area to area
  • Loudspeaker - Public address system or bullhorn used to contact larger areas
  • Audible Alarms - Existing fire alarm systems in buildings
  • Information Line - A specific phone number where updates can be obtained
  • E-Mail - Mass messages to provide information
  • Flyers - Posted flyers around the District to provide updates
  • Web - Specific disaster or emergency designated JC site
  • Display Boards - Display signs that provide updates and resources
  • Media - SRJC Public Relations via local radio and television stations