Assessment Library Books

CSN has various resources on assessment of student learning at each main campus

Library Resources
TitleAuthorCall Number
SAGE handbook of research on classroom assessmentEdited by James H. McMillanLB3051.S23 2013
Assessment clear and simple: A practical guide for institutions, departments, and general educationWalvoord, Barbara E. FasslerLB2822.75.W35 2010
Revisiting outcomes assessment in higher education

Edited by Peter Hernon, Robert E. Dugan, and Candy Schwartz.

LB2331.63 .R48 2006
Outcomes assessment in higher education: views and perspectivesEdited by Peter Hernon and Robert E. DuganLB2331.63 .O88 2004
Learner-centered assessment on college campuses: shifting the focus from teaching to learning 

Huba, Mary E.

LB2331 .H83 2000

Library Resources
TitleAuthorCall Number
Assessment for excellence: the philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher educationAstin, Alexander W.LB2366.2 .A89 2012

Library Resources
TitleAuthorCall Number
Assessment essentials: planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher educationBanta, Trudy W.LB2366.2 .P35 2015

A teacher's guide to classroom assessment: understanding and using assessment to improve student learning

Butler, Susan M.

LB3051 .B86 2006

How to create and use rubrics for formative assessment and grading

Brookhart, Susan M.LB3051 .B7285 2013.
Assessment of higher-order thinking skills

Edited by Gregory Schraw and Daniel R. [sic] Robinson.

LB1590.3 .A778 2011
Planning and assessment in higher education: demonstrating institutional effectivenessMiddaugh, Michael F.LB2341 .M4437 2010
Measurement and assessment in teachingMiller, M. DavidLB3051 .L545 2009
Formative assessment: responding to your studentsTuttle, Harry G.LB1775 .T88 2009

Online Library Resources
Title and DateAuthorLink
Learning assessment techniques: a handbook for college faculty: Jossey-Bass, 2016.Barkley, Elizabeth F
The SAGE handbook of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment SAGE, 2016.

Edited by Dominic Wyse, Louise Hayward, and Jessica Pandya.

Student assessment: fast, frequent, and formative. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., [2014]Dirksen, Debra J.

Assessment essentials: planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education Jossey-Bass, [2014].

Banta, Trudy W.

SAGE handbook of research on classroom assessment: SAGE, 2013

Edited by James H. Macmillan.

Assessment clear and simple: a practical guide for institutions, departments, and general education: Jossey-Bass, 2010.

Walvoord, Barbara E. Fassler

Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills.  Springer Netherlands, 2012.

Griffin, Patrick