Emergency Preparedness

The College of Southern Nevada considers the safety of our students, faculty, staff and visitors to be of the highest priority. The purpose of this website is to prepare you to protect yourself and others should an emergency and/or hazardous situation occur while you are on campus or at one of our sites. Knowing how to respond can help to minimize injuries (always our first concern), protect our facilities and resources, and maintain our daily operations.

Before an emergency you should:
  • Familiarize yourself with the Emergency Response Guide and the Emergency Operations Plan.
  • Faculty: Know two (2) exit routes from the buildings in which you are teaching.
    • Bring your class roster with you to every class.
    • Have readily available for your use, telephone numbers for Campus Administration; your department administrator/manager and other important telephone numbers for your unit.
    • Review emergency information for evacuation and general emergency procedures with your students on a periodic basis.

We know that emergencies are part of life and can happen at any time.  This website is designed to offer potential solutions—ones that can be implemented with a minimum of disruption to normal campus routines. When we are comfortable that we can apply solutions to minimize or contain the urgent problem at hand, then we are prepared.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of fire, medical emergency or danger to life, health or the environment:

Call University Police Services

7-911 from a campus phone

702-895-3669* from a cell phone

University Police Services is the first contact and the first responder for ALL campus emergencies, they will provide a faster emergency response than external first responders.

*Save the 10-digit emergency number in your cellphone so you can reach the police on campus in an emergency.

702-895-3668 University Police Services (Non-Emergency)

702-229-3111 Las Vegas Metro Police (Non-Emergency)

702-895-5766 Emergency Manager

702-895-2748 Emergency Management Coordinator

702-651-7445 Environmental Health and Safety (M-F, 8am-5pm)

702-651-4888 Facilities Management (M-F, 8am-5pm)

Disability Resource Centers

702-651-5644West Charleston Campus
702-651-4045North Las Vegas Campus
702-651-3795Henderson Campus

Counseling and Psychological Services

702-651-5518West Charleston Campus
702-651-4099North Las Vegas Campus
702-651-3099Henderson Campus

You can access many of these services right from your phone using the CSN Mobile SAFETY app!


  • Know where the emergency exits and fire alarm pull stations are in your building.
  • Know at least two ways out of your building.
  • Know where the stairs are located.
  • If you hear a fire alarm, prepare to evacuate! Do not assume it is a drill or a false alarm.
  • Check your evacuation route for smoke. If unsafe use your alternate route.

Reporting a Fire

  • Call University Police Department at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone). Give the location of the fire (building/room).
  • Sound the fire alarm immediately by activating the pull station.
  • If alarm fails to activate, warn nearby occupants by knocking on doors.
  • Immediately evacuate the building. Take the stairs, DO NOT use the elevator!
  • Go to your predetermined evacuation location.
  • Begin to account for evacuated occupants and report any missing people to emergency officials.
  • DO NOT re-enter the building until emergency officials declare it is safe to do so.

Clothing Fire

  • If your clothing is on fire, drop to the floor. If another’s clothing is on fire, assist them to the ground as quickly as you can. DO NOT run, or allow the victim to run.
  • Roll yourself or the victim on the ground to extinguish flames. If a blanket is available, use it to smother the flames.
  • Remove smoldering clothing or hot material. Use care to avoid removing attached skin.
  • Cool the victim with water or ice packs. Take the victim to an emergency shower, if close by.
  • Seek medical and fire/rescue assistance; call University Police Department at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone).

Small fires can be extinguished without evacuation. Only individuals who have been trained in the handling, selection and use of a fire extinguisher should operate them.

To use a fire extinguisher, remember PASS:

  • P-Pull the pin. Some extinguishers require releasing a lock latch, pressing a puncture lever, or taking another first step.
  • A-Aim low. Point the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the flames.
  • S-Squeeze the trigger or handle while holding the extinguisher upright. This releases the extinguishing agent.
  • S-Sweep the extinguisher from side to side while keep the extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire. Sweep back and forth covering the area of the fire with the extinguishing agent until the fire is out. Watch the fire area. If the fire breaks out again, repeat the process.

A building evacuation may be required in an emergency, whether it is fire, earthquake, flood, or other urgent situation requiring all occupants to immediately leave the building.

  • Know where the emergency exits and fire alarm pull stations are in your building.
  • Include this information in your new employee orientation.
  • Develop a plan to account for everyone in your department, unit, college, or school at the emergency assembly location.
  • If you need assistance evacuating – whether you have a temporary or permanent need – please review the guidelines following this section.

During the emergency

  • Stay Clam. Give clear instructions to others to help ensure a prompt evacuation.
  • If the primary evacuation route is obstructed, use your alternate route.
  • Close doors behind you as you exit.
  • DO NOT use elevators to evacuate, use the stairs.
  • Keep low to the floor if smoke is present.
  • Report to your emergency assembly location for headcount.
  • Immediately report any missing people to emergency officials.
  • DO NOT reenter the building until authorized to do so by an appropriate authority (police, fire department, etc.).

Take the following precautions before leaving the building, only if it is safe to do so. These activities must not significantly delay your departure. Exercise good judgment!

  • Faculty members ensure immediate evacuation of classes under their purview.
  • Shut off gas lines and heat-producing equipment (such as Bunsen burners, stoves, etc.).
  • Return hazardous materials to proper storage units if time permits.
  • Close doors and windows, if possible. Close doors behind you as you leave.

If you are trapped in the building

  • Stay calm.
  • Seek a location that provides refuge.
  • If a window is available, place an article of clothing (i.e., shirt or coat) outside the window as a marker for rescue crews.
  • If there is no window, tap on the wall at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.

All College personnel are responsible for the evacuation of persons who need assistance in their respective areas.

  • CSN’s Disability Resource Center (DRC) maintains information for those students who have self-identified and provided documentation of a need.
  • CSN maintains equipment specifically utilized to evacuate individuals with significant mobility restrictions.
  • In accordance with principles of universal design, exits are ramped to facilitate evacuation of all individuals from CSN buildings.

Please review the following to provide the most effective assistance to persons with disabilities to ensure their safety.

Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation for Individuals with Disabilities

  • Complete a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (with DRC Support).
  • Familiarize yourself with the buildings you frequent. Practice using each of the possible evacuation routes.
  • Download the CSN Mobile SAFETY App on your phone for fast, easy access to University Police Dispatch.
  • Report to your emergency assembly location for headcount.
  • Immediately report any missing people to emergency officials.
  • DO NOT reenter the building until authorized to do so by an appropriate authority (police, fire department, etc.).
  • If you are unable to evacuate the building, seek a location that provides refuge.
    • Inform another evacuee of your location.
    • Call University Police Dispatch on the Mobile SAFETY app or at (702) 895-3669 for emergency evacuation assistance.
    • Possible refuge areas:
      • Enclosed stairwells that do not impede evacuation progress.
      • An adjoining building behind fire door.
      • An office with a closed door, located a safe distance from the hazard.
      • Exit balconies or corridors.

Persons with visual impairment:

  • Tell the person the nature of the emergency.
  • Offer to guide them to the nearest exit.
  • Have the person take your elbow and escort them.

Persons with hearing impairment:

  • Tap the person's shoulder and point to the strobe lights on the fire alarms.
  • Turn the room lights on and off to get the person's attention.
  • Use gestures or written notes. Indicate directions with gestures or write a note with evacuation instructions.

Persons with mobility impairment:

  • Escort the person(s) to the nearest exit or stairwell assembly point.
  • At least two people should remain with the person with needs to assist if further action becomes necessary.
  • Do not attempt to carry persons with mobility impairments unless there is IMMINENT DANGER TO LIFE.
  • Do not attempt to move or lift a wheelchair without asking the person using the chair.
  • If you are unable to safely move the person, move them to a safe area and call for help.

You may encounter a medical emergency on campus. In the event of a serious illness or injury, immediately call University Police Department at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone). Tell the dispatcher that you have a medical emergency and provide them the following information:

  • Your name and telephone number.
  • Nature of the illness or injury.
  • Location of the emergency on campus (building, floor, and room number).
  • Number of people involved: Is victim(s) conscious, breathing, bleeding?
  • Remain on the line until the dispatcher has asked you all the questions and follow their instructions.

Guidelines for Assistance

  • DO NOT move a victim unless absolutely necessary.
  • DO NOT jeopardize your safety or the safety of the patient. Wait for professional help if you are not trained to assist.
  • If you are trained in first-aid or CPR, assist the patient up to the level you are trained.
  • Report all accidents or injuries to Environmental Health & Safety Department at 702-651-7445.

It is the best practice to have someone, if available to meet the ambulance personnel and take them to the person that is ill or injured.

Conscious Choking (cannot speak or has a weak cough)

  • Call 7-911 from a landline or 702-895-3669 from your cellphone.
  • Start stomach thrusts, back blows, or both (5-and-5 approach).
  • Continue until airway is clear.
  • Begin CPR if person becomes unresponsive.
    • Wrap your arms around the person's CHEST.
    • Place your fist on the MIDDLE of the breastbone between the nipples.
    • Make firm, backward thrusts.

Fractures and Sprains

  • Call 7-911 from landline or 702-895-3669 from your cellphone.
  • Keep victim still.
  • Keep injury stabilized.
  • Stop any life-threatening bleeding. 
    • Stop the Bleed kits can be located by the AED device.

Fainting, Unconsciousness and Shock

  • Call 7-911 from landline or 702-895-3669 from your cellphone.
  • Lie victim in recovery position (Left Side) if unconscious.
  • Treat for shock by raising the victim’s extremities above the heart.
  • Keep victim comfortable and warm with a blanket.
  • Ask or look for a medical ID bracelet, necklace or card.
  • Start CPR if victim becomes unresponsive.
  • Never give an unconscious victim food or liquids.

Severe bleeding and wounds

  • Call 7-911 from landline or 702-895-3669 from your cellphone.
  • Stop the Bleed kits can be located by the AED device.
  • Apply direct pressure on wound using clean cloth or hand.
  • Apply tourniquet if available (2-inches above wound on arms and legs only).
  • If tourniquet isn’t available pack wound with sterile cloth or dressing (legs and arms only).
  • Add more cloth or dressing if blood soaks through, DO NOT remove old cloth or dressing.
  • Keep pressure on wound until help arrives.
  • DO NOT remove tourniquet once applied.

Learn more about bleeding control methods by completing the  Stop The Bleed interactive online course.

This course is a virtual alternative to the in-person lecture presentation. The STOP THE BLEED® Interactive Course guides individuals through the three methods of bleeding control using video demonstrations, interactive learning, and spontaneous quizzes.

STOP THE BLEED Interactive Course

Poisoning or Overdose

  • Call 7-911 or 702-895-3669 for immediate transport to hospital.
  • Save label or container for identification.

If you are aware of a known antidote or if vomiting should be induced, then you may do so. If you are unsure, DO NOT do either of these and wait for Emergency Medical personnel.

Heart Attack

  • Call 7-911 from landline or 702-895-3669 from your cellphone.
  • If victim is unresponsive start CPR and have someone retrieve an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) if available.
  • Ask or look for medical bracelet, necklace or ID card.
  • Never give an unconscious victim food or liquid.
  • Continue CPR until help arrives.

The immediate and effective use of CPR, coupled with the use of an AED, improves the chances of survival from a sudden cardiac arrest. Some buildings on campus have an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) available in the event that a patient exhibits no signs of breathing or pulse. An AED is designed to analyze a patient’s condition before delivering a shock, and will only shock a patient in cardiac arrest. By following the audible commands, an untrained person can safely use an AED.

Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke

If heat exhaustion is not treated, the illness may advance to heatstroke.

Heatstroke is a life-threatening emergency; it can be fatal if treatment is delayed.

Unlike heatstroke, which can be life-threatening, heat exhaustion does not cause impaired mental function, confusion, or loss of consciousness.

  • Call 7-911 from landline or 702-895-3669 from your cellphone.
  • Make sure that someone stays with the affected person until help arrives.
  • Move the person to a shaded, cool area.
  • Loosen clothing, remove unnecessary clothing including shoes and socks.
  • Wet the person with cool water and circulate the air to speed cooling.
  • Cool the person with cold compresses to the head, neck, and face or have the person wash their head, face and neck with cold water.
  • If the person is awake and alert enough to swallow, have the person drink cool water or other nonalcoholic beverage without caffeine (a small cup every 15 minutes), as soon as possible. 
    • Most people with heatstroke have an altered level of consciousness and cannot safely be given fluids to drink.
  • If the person is dizzy or light-headed, lay them on their back and raise their legs about 6-8 inches.
  • If the person is sick to their stomach, lay them on their side.
  • Affected person should be taken to a clinic or emergency room for medical evaluation and treatment if signs or symptoms worsen or do not improve within 60 minutes.

Power Outage

  • To report a minor localized power outage during regular business hours (8 a.m. until 5 p.m.), call Facilities Management at 702-651-4888 or call your Campus Operator.
  • Many buildings have emergency lighting which illuminates the stairwell and other essential building components for 90 minutes.
  • Use this time period to secure areas and evacuate the building if needed.
  • Follow any instructions given by emergency responders or utility workers.
  • Laboratory personnel should secure experiments and unplug electrical equipment as appropriate prior to leaving the laboratory. Chemicals should be stored in their original locations and all containers should be closed and sealed.
  • If a power outage is expected to last a considerable length of time, University Police or Facilities Management will send an emergency notification out to the campus community.

If you and/or others are trapped in an elevator and unable to exit

  • If you are inside the elevator, use the emergency phone in the elevator, or call University Police Department from your cell phone at 702-895-3669.
  • If you are outside of the elevator, tell passengers to remain calm and that you are getting help by calling University Police Department at 702-895-3669.
  • If it is safe to remain in the building, stay near to passengers until assistance arrives.

Suspected Gas Leak

  • Call University Police Department at 702-895-3669 and Facilities Management at 702-651-4888 if you suspect a gas leak.
  • Note: Natural gas is odorless and colorless; gas companies add a distinctive odorant (similar to a “skunk” or “rotten egg” odor) to produce a smell that will alert users to a possible problem.

Detected Gas Leak

If you know that a gas cylinder, equipment or piping is leaking:

  • Immediately notify building occupants to evacuate the area using the preplanned evacuation route. This may also be accomplished by pulling the building alarm, if available.
  • Notify University Police Services at 702-895-3669. Provide Building name, Floor/Room number.
  • DO NOT switch lights or electrical equipment on or off in the area near the leak; electrical arcing could trigger an explosion.
  • Building occupants are not to return to the building until the all-clear is given by the Fire Department or emergency responders.

Water-related emergency

Water-related emergencies do not always mean “flooding”. They may include lack of available drinking water, lack of available toilet facilities, in addition to standing water (e.g., ponding) and/or leaks that could cause equipment and building damage, and create hazardous conditions (slips/falls, etc.)

  • If such an event occurs during regular business hours between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., immediately contact Facilities Management at 702-651-4888.
  • If a water event occurs after hours or when classes are not in session, call University Police Services at 702-895-3669.
  • If you are responding to a water emergency but have not determined the water source, remember that the water may be contaminated and take appropriate precautions.

If you encounter standing water

If there is standing water on the floor, there is a risk of electrical shock. DO NOT enter the area until you are sure the electricity has been turned off.

During Severe Weather

Check CSN’s website for up-to-date information. Check the local media outlets for information regarding road conditions. If you are on campus, check the Intercampus Communication System (the flat-screen monitors located across campuses) for information regarding closures and other directions.

Flash Flooding

Flash flood is a serious threat to the lives of drivers and (or) people in the floods’ path. Fast-moving water, even only a few inches deep can quickly sweep you off your feet or float your car away.

  • If you are in your vehicle driving and you come across a flooded road, it is important to remember to NOT enter flooded streets. DO NOT drive through a flooded area on campus. The depth of the water is not always obvious.
  • If in the event of a major rainstorm that may cause isolated flooding, it is safer for you to stay where you are and wait for the storm to end rather than attempting to drive anywhere.
  • Never drive through a flooded road or around barricades.
  • If your vehicle stalls in water, leave the vehicle immediately and move to higher ground.
  • DO NOT walk through or play in floodwater. Floodwater may contain toxic matter.
  • Stay out of flood channels and detention basins, which can rise as quickly as one foot a minute.
  • Pay attention to the weather. If you are out hiking, seek higher ground immediately, as you may be in an area that can experience a flash flood.


Seek protective shelter immediately.

  • If you are outdoors, DO NOT stand underneath tall, isolated objects. Avoid projecting above the surroundings and landscape. Seek shelter in a low area under a thick growth of small trees. In open areas, seek a low spot such as a ravine.
  • Get off or away from open water. Keep away from metal equipment or small metal vehicles such as motorcycles, bicycles, golf carts, etc. Stay away from wire fences, clotheslines, metal pipes, and rails. If you are in a group in the open, spread out, keeping people 15 to 20 feet apart.
  • Remember, lightning may strike some miles from the parent cloud. If you feel your hair stand on end, lightning may be about to strike. Drop to a low crouching position with your feet together. Get onto the balls of your feet as quickly as possible to minimize ground contact. Put your hands over your ears to minimize acoustic shock from thunder and place your head between your knees. DO NOT lie flat on the ground.

Shelter in Place Procedure

Chemical Release

  • If a chemical release should occur which cannot be contained in a room or building, or if an off-campus chemical release occurs, CSN personnel may be asked by official emergency responders to "shelter in place."
  • Go indoors or remain in a building where the air is less contaminated. Stay in upper stories of buildings, if possible.
  • Close and lock as many doors and windows, as possible, to seal out contaminated air. Turn off or block all sources of outside air.
  • Facilities Management controls building ventilation. Locally controlled ventilation includes room air conditioners and fans.
  • Cover windows, doors and ventilation openings with plastic sheeting and duct tape from departmental emergency supplies. Stuff cloth or clothing (preferably wet) at the bottom of the door. If you smell contaminants in your room, cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel or cloth.
  • Tune to the emergency broadcast station and listen for announcements.
  • Stay inside until you are notified by emergency workers that it is safe to leave.
  • When the emergency is over, open all doors and windows to ventilate the area.
  • Replace the supplies used during shelter in place in the emergency supply kit.

Although on-campus shooting incidents are rare, it is critical that faculty, staff and students are prepared to ensure their own protection until help can arrive. All employees can help to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter situations.

CSN encourages all employees to complete the FEMA Online Training Course: IS-907 – Active Shooter: What You Can Do.


If you are interested in learning more about active shooter situation preparation and response, University Police Services offers a Run. Hide. Fight. video, prepared and distributed by the FBI for educational purposes (NOTE: the information and video may be triggering, viewer discretion is advised).

Watch RUN. HIDE. FIGHT. Video on YouTube

University Police Services also offers crime prevention and safety presentations to help students, faculty, and staff feel safer on campus. To learn more about scheduling a presentation for your class, office, or group, visit the University Police Services Community Outreach page.

How to Respond When an Active Assailant is in Your Vicinity

Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life! Remember that students and visitors are likely to follow the lead of employees and managers during an active shooter situation.


If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises. Be sure to:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Help others escape, if possible.
  • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be.
  • Keep your hands visible.
  • Follow the instructions of any police officers.
  • Do not attempt to move wounded people.
  • Make sure you are not running into harm’s way, trust your eyes and question your ears.
  • Ideally, run from cover to cover.
  • Call University Police Department (702-895-3669) or 911 when you are safe.


If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should:

  • Be out of the active shooter’s view.
  • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door).
  • Not trap you or restrict your options for movement.

Prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place by

  • Locking or barricading the door.
  • Covering the door windows, if possible.
  • Silencing your cell phone.
  • Turning off any source of noise (i.e., silence cell phones, radios, televisions).
  • Hiding behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks).
  • Remaining quiet.

If evacuation and hiding out are not possible

  • Remain calm.
  • Call University Police Department (702-895-3669) or 911, to alert police to the active shooter’s location.
  • If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.


As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by:

  • Acting as aggressively as possible against them.
  • Throwing items and improvising weapons.
  • Yelling.
  • Committing to your actions.

How to Respond When Law Enforcement Arrives

Law enforcement’s purpose is to stop the active shooter as soon as possible. Officers will proceed directly to the area in which the last shots were heard.

  • Officers usually arrive in teams of four (4).
  • Officers may wear regular patrol uniforms or external bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets, and other tactical equipment.
  • Officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns, handguns.
  • Officers may use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.
  • Officers may shout commands and may push individuals to the ground for their safety.
  • Remain calm, and follow officers’ instructions.
  • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets).
  • Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
  • Keep hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling.
  • DO NOT stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises.
  • Information to provide to law enforcement or 9-1-1 operator:
    • Location of the active shooter.
    • Number of shooters, if more than one.
    • Physical description of shooter/s.
    • Number and type of weapons held by the shooter/s.
    • Number of potential victims at the location.
  • The first officers to arrive at the scene will not stop to help injured persons.
  • Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, DO NOT leave until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.

During a robbery attempt, the overriding concern is SAFETY. Our responsibility under these circumstances is the physical well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors who may be present.

If a robbery attempt occurs, please remember to:

  • Take no action that might provoke a violent response.
  • Do not attempt to delay or stall the robbery.
  • Remain calm.
  • Do what is asked of you, but only what is asked of you, nothing extra.
  • Comply with the demands promptly, being careful not to move or gesture in a way that could be misunderstood as a defensive action or the triggering of an alarm.
  • Do not volunteer information or open drawers you have not been ordered to open.
  • Make a mental note of facial features, stature, scars, marks, peculiarities and the color of clothing that can be later used for identification.
  • Look out windows to try and get directions of travel, description of cars and any other details.

Once it is safe to do so:

  • Contact University Police Department at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone). Give the dispatcher the information that you have.
  • Write down details as soon as possible, noting what was said, weapons used, descriptions of individual(s), what you handed out, and direction of travel.
  • Secure the area to protect any evidence.
  • If a note was given to you, lay it aside with as little handling as possible, so that it can later be reviewed for analysis.
  • If a weapon was fired, the ejected shell casings may prove to be valuable. DO NOT touch or move these items.


  • All acts of vandalism and/or damage to the facility or its furnishings (furniture, pictures, equipment, etc.) should immediately be reported to Facilities Management. If there is immediate danger, seek safe shelter.
  • It is important that signs (evidence) of forcible entry, cut or broken locks, or stripped wiring be preserved for investigative purposes. University Police will investigate the incident.

Never jeopardize your own safety. It is important that you are able to effectively handle any type of emergency situation. For this reason, you should never put yourself in the middle of a physical altercation.

In the event a physical altercation occurs:

  • DO NOT attempt to break up the issue/event!
  • Call University Police Department at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone).
  • Inform them of the situation. Be ready to provide:
    • Your Name
    • Emergency Location
      • Building
      • Floor Number
      • Room Number or Location within the building
    • Type of Emergency
    • Any additional information requested by the Operator
  • Call additional staff members in the building for assistance (if needed) with crowd control.
  • Try to contain the situation by not allowing a crowd to gather around the altercation.
  • Take note of everything you observe:
    • Persons involved
    • Actions by the parties involved
    • Statements made

Keep in Mind...

  • A threat or act of violence can be verbal, made in gesture, or it can be unwanted physical contact such as pushing, grabbing or any other form of personal contact.
  • Threats can be in the form of verbal communication, gestures or simply implied. In any event, University Police Services will be responsible for responding to, evaluating, resolving the situation, and documenting all details of the threat. Do not take any threat lightly or ignore such situations.
  • Violence in the workplace is almost always preceded by obvious signs or threats before the actual violence takes place. Report any activity that you believe qualifies as a threat.
  • If you have taken out a Restraint Order by a court of law, University Police Services may provide additional security measures, such as personal escorts and monitoring of your office or meeting areas.

Civil disturbance means acts of violence and disorder prejudicial to the public law and order. It includes acts such as riots, acts of violence, insurrections, unlawful obstructions or assemblages, or other disorders prejudicial to public law and order.

University Police Services is charged with protecting the life, safety, and health of the campus community and will seek to quell any such disturbances that threaten the campus. Initial actions may include:

  • Establish and enforce a perimeter around the affected area to confine the disturbance.
  • Perform crowd and traffic control. Divert traffic away from affected areas.
  • Establish and manage evacuation routes for uninvolved civilians.
  • Provide security at various locations throughout the community to prevent intruders and looting.
  • Perform special tactical operations, including search & rescue, as needed. Provide police protection for Fire/EMS units, strike teams, and/or task forces.
  • Conduct reconnaissance activities and report results to the EOC for inclusion in the IAP process.
  • Work closely with other Law Enforcement officials to resolve the incident.


All students, staff, faculty, and visitors must comply with the direction given by University Police or other Law Enforcement officers.

CSN’s primary response to a terrorist event involves Consequence Management (COM), which includes measures to mitigate the damage, loss, hardship, and suffering caused by a terrorist event.

COM is implemented through the University Police Services Office of Emergency Management, followed by assistance from the Nevada Division of Emergency Management (NDEM), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Although such an event is rare, it cannot be ruled out and therefore must be considered. Responsibilities related to law enforcement during a terrorist event include:

  • Protecting life and property and preserving order.
  • Providing law enforcement and criminal investigation.
  • Providing traffic control, crowd control, and site security.
  • Isolating damaged areas.
  • Providing damage reconnaissance and reporting.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the primary federal agency in response to terrorist threats or actions. The FBI can be expected to take charge of the emergency and provide direction to the Policy Group regarding continued operation of the College.

Unlike other emergencies, the procedures to deal with an earthquake are much less specific. Since earthquake magnitude cannot be predetermined, everyone must initiate emergency precautions within a few seconds after the initial tremor is felt, assuming the worst possible case.

The best earthquake instruction is to take precautions before the earthquake (e.g., secure or remove objects above you that could fall during an earthquake).

During an earthquake:

  • Stay in the building. DO NOT evacuate.
  • Remain calm. If indoors, drop to the floor under a sturdy desk or table, cover your head and face with your arms. DROP, COVER and HOLD ON.
  • Stay away from overhead fixtures, windows, filing cabinets, bookcases and heavy equipment.
  • Assist any disabled persons out of the area and find a safe place for them.
  • If you are outside, stay outside. Move to an open area away from buildings, trees, power lines and roadways.

After an Earthquake:

  • Be prepared for aftershocks. Aftershocks are usually less intense than the main quake, but can cause further structural damage and injury.
  • Protect ourselves at all times.
  • DO NOT use elevators.
  • If outdoors, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles, overhead wires, parking garages and other structures. CAUTION: Avoid downed power or utility lines as they may be energized. DO NOT attempt to enter buildings until you are told you can by emergency personnel or CSN officials.
  • If in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably an open area away from power lines and trees. Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle for the shelter it provides.

Evaluate the situation and call University Police Department for emergency assistance at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone), if necessary.

DO NOT use flares, torches, cigarettes, candles, matches, and (or) any open flames, since gas leaks could be present. If a fire is caused or present by the earthquake, evacuate the building carefully. DO NOT operate electrical switches or appliances.

If the structural integrity appears to be deteriorating rapidly, evacuate the building. DO NOT use the elevators. Always use the stairs.

Should you become trapped in a building:

  • Stay calm!
  • If a window is available, place an article of clothing (i.e., shirt or coat) outside the window as a marker for rescue crews.
  • If there is no window, tap on the wall at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.

If you or someone is injured, call University Police Department for help at 702-895-3669/7-911 (campus phone) and give or seek first-aid treatment, if able.

If an evacuation is ordered:

  • Seek out any persons needing assistance in the area.
  • Exit via the stairway. DO NOT use elevators.
  • Beware of falling debris and electrical wires as you exit.
  • Go to an open area away from buildings, trees, power lines and roadways and wait for further instructions from emergency personnel.

ALL bodily fluids, with or without visible blood (excluding sweat) will be considered potentially infectious regardless of the perceived health status of the source individual.

ALL exposure incidents are to be reported immediately no matter how minor they may seem.

If it is a small spill, it is your responsibility to clean it up - but if you DO NOT know the identity of the spilled substance, have not been trained in the proper handling of chemical procedures, or are uncomfortable cleaning up the spill; immediately evacuate the area and notify Environmental Health and Safety at (702) 651-7445 or University Police Services at (702) 895-3669, if after business hours.

Any danger to life or safety should be immediately reported to University Police Department.

Small Spills

If you know the identity of the spilled substance and have been properly trained in the handling of the substance, proceed with clean-up procedures.

Large Spills

For all major spills which are beyond the staff’s capability to deal with effectively, evacuate the area immediately and notify Environmental Health and Safety (702) 651-7445 or University Police Services at (702) 895-3669, if after business hours (8am - 5pm).

Reporting Spills

Reporting of a spill or release is required when the volume of the chemical exceeds one gallon of liquid or one pound of solid. In addition to this minimum quantity, several other spills must be reported regardless of the quantity:

  • All mercury spills
  • All uncontrolled compressed gas releases
  • Unintentional release of a chemical to bare ground, sewer, or surface water
  • Unintentional release of oil to bare ground or water

For reportable spills and releases, contact Environmental Health & Safety by phone at (702) 651-7445, then complete an Incident Report Form and forward it to EnvironmentalHealth.andSafety@CSN.EDU.

Chemical Splash to Skin or Clothing

  • Call University Police Department at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone).
  • Refer to section 4 of the chemical’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for appropriate First-Aid Measures.
  • Remove contaminated clothing.
    • Use caution when removing pullover shirts or sweaters to prevent contamination of the eyes.
  • Wash the contact area with water for 15 minutes.
    • Except for Flammable Solids, Hydrofluoric Acid, or greater than 10% Phenol.
  • Discard contaminated clothing or launder them separately from other clothing. Leather garments or accessories cannot be decontaminated and should be discarded.
  • Call Environmental Health and Safety at (702)651-7445 for additional information.

Chemical Splash to Eyes

  • Call University Police Department at 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone).
  • Immediately flush eye(s) with cool water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Hold the eyelids open. Get the victim to roll their eyes while irrigating.
  • If an eyewash fountain is not available, pour water on the eye, rinsing from the nose outward to avoid contamination of the unaffected eye.
  • Remove contact lenses while rinsing. Do not lose time removing contact lenses before rinsing. Do not attempt to rinse and reinsert contact lenses.
  • Seek immediate medical attention regardless of the severity or apparent lack of severity.

Accidental Ingestion of Chemicals

  • Immediately call Poison Control Center at 9-800-222-1222 for instructions.
  • DO NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by a health care provider.
  • Refer to section 4 of the chemical's Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for appropriate First-Aid Measures.

  • Immediately evacuate the laboratory if the spill is not contained in a Bio Safety Cabinet, allow aerosols to settle.
  • Remove contaminated clothing.
  • If qualified, re-enter the room while wearing the necessary PPE and cover the spill with paper towels. Heavily soak towels and spill with the appropriate disinfectant. Allow a 20-minute minimum contact time.
  • Clean up spill and dispose of in biohazard bag.
  • Call Environmental Health and Safety at (702) 651-7445 to report all spills or if you need assistance cleaning it up.

Hackers continue to find new ways to infect your computer, making knowing what to look for and ensuring your computer is protected against attacks extremely important.

Visit OTS Cybersecurity webpage for additional tips and resources.

Best Practices:

  • Keep all software up to date.
  • Think before you click. Malicious emails or links often come from people you don’t know, but can also come from people you do.
  • Only download software from legitimate sources.
  • Don’t click on links in pop-up banners.
  • Check permissions to see what information an app may collect about you.

Be Precautious:

Viruses are designed to go unnoticed and spread quickly. Knowing what to look for, and carefully reviewing what you may click on, will help protect you from getting a virus.

You can get viruses from:

  • Clicking links on banner ads and pop-up messages, in emails, on social media, chat apps, text messages, etc.
  • Downloading files through peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing applications or websites.
  • Opening email attachments.
  • Attaching personal storage devices (like USB sticks or cell phones) to an infected computer, especially public computers.
  • Apps for your mobile devices.

What to look for:

Often, there are signs that an email or website shouldn’t be trusted. Look for:

  • Short messages that give little context as to why someone is contacting you or what they are sending to you (e.g., “Check out these new pics!”).
  • Unusual URLs and domain names (e.g., “csn.college.com” instead of “csn.edu”).
  • Unexpected attachments, or attachments with unusual file types, especially attachments that end in .exe, .vbs, or .lnk on a computer running Microsoft Windows.
  • Strange notifications that don’t look like the normal messages you see from the app or program.
  • Apps that require excessive access to your device. For example, a flashlight application should not need access to your camera and text messages.

When in doubt, never click or open something you think is unusual. If you aren’t sure if something is a real message, contact the person by some other method, since some malware will automatically respond with legitimate-sounding replies. Forward suspicious emails received in your CSN account to spam@csn.edu.

Spam or a Suspicious Email:

If you have received spam or a suspicious email, follow the steps below:

  • DO NOT click any links within the email.
  • Forward the message to spam@csn.edu so OTS team can investigate the email.
  • Delete the email.

If you have clicked any links within the email or opened any suspicious attachments, contact the OTS Help Desk.

If you think your computer may be infected:

For CSN computers:

  • Disconnect the computer from the Internet by disabling Wi-Fi or disconnecting the network cable.
  • Contact the OTS Help Desk.

Suspicious mail incidents across the United States, generally involve biohazardous material(s) or ex- plosive device(s). If you receive mail or discover object(s) that appear suspicious due to the presence of a powder, liquid coming out of the package or other substance, the following actions are recommended:

  • From a campus phone, immediately call 7-911 (or 702-895-3669 from a cell phone). University Police will evaluate the threat level and determine if other emergency personnel need to be contacted.
  • Deny to everyone, with the exception of emergency responders, access to the suspicious parcel/object. If possible, place a trash can over the package. Once emergency responders access the scene, they will take custody of the questionable item(s).
  • Turn off any fans, window air conditioners and/or small area heaters.
  • Isolate the room area; evacuate the adjoining areas.
  • The individual who opened the suspicious item and anyone else who has come into contact with it should remain isolated in an area adjacent to the original location, until emergency responders arrive. Further instructions will be forthcoming from the emergency team.
  • The individuals who have had contact with the parcel should wash their hands and face with soap and water.
  • Create a list of people who were in the room where the package was received.

Suspicious Parcel Recognition Checklist

Use the following to evaluate parcels that seem unusual:

  • Handwritten or poorly typed address
  • No return address
  • Visual distraction on the package
  • Excessive weight/rigid, lopsided, uneven envelopes
  • Protruding wires or tinfoil
  • Oily stains/discoloration on the package
  • Incorrect titles
  • Misspelling of common words
  • Excessive Postage
  • Restrictive markings such as “Confidential” or “personal”
  • Excessive tapes or strings
  • Unexpected international, special delivery and/or airmail

All bomb threats must be treated as a serious matter. To ensure the safety of the faculty, staff, students, and the general public, bomb threats must be considered real until proven otherwise. In most cases, bomb threats are meant to disrupt normal activities. The procedures described below should be implemented regardless of whether the bomb threat appears real or not.

CSN encourages all employees to complete the FEMA Online Training Course: Bomb Threat Preparedness and Response (AWR-903)

In the event of a bomb threat, immediately call 7-911 (from a campus phone) or 702-895-3669 (from a cell phone). University Police will carefully evaluate all threats and provide the campus with specific information and instructions on how to respond.

  • College personnel receiving telephoned bomb threats should ask the caller for the exact location where the bomb has been placed where it is going to be planted.
  • Attempt to get as much information as possible about the caller, for example, male or female, accent, etc.
  • Listen for background noise which may indicate the location of the caller.
  • Complete the Bomb Threat checklist as soon as possible after receiving a bomb threat call. Writing down the details as soon as you have received the call, or during the call if you have the checklist available will assist emergency personnel to respond to the threat.
  • University Police will use direct contact information in their investigation and determination of the threat level.
  • Utilize the Bomb Threat checklist found in Emergency Response Guide to detail the information that you gather from your conversation or other interaction with the person making the threat.