The ESL Program at CSN is accredited by the Commission on English Program Accreditation (CEA) which is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

ESL program
The Department of World Languages offers courses in English as a Second Language (ESL) to support students pursuing academic goals particularly at institutions within the Nevada System of Higher Education. The department offers both an intensive English program as well as a part-time program in order to accommodate the differing needs of both traditional and working students.



ESL Placement Testing is available.  The test is remotely proctored.  Requirements to complete your placement test include internet access and a device such as a computer, smartphone or tablet. Please see instructions below and register for your ESL Placement Test today!

ESL placement testing is required for all CSN students entering the ESL program for the first time. The purpose of placement testing is to assess English usage, reading, and writing skills. The results of testing determine placement in the ESL program.

Before Testing

  1. Apply for CSN admission
  2. Receive confirmation email with 10-digit NSHE student number
  3. Validate your GoCSN account and set your password
    For account validation and password assistance, call CSN HELP DESK at 702-651-4357

Schedule Your Test

  1. Send email to ESL Testing Center
  2. In your email, please include
    1. Subject- ESL Placement Test
    2. Full Name
    3. NSHE Student Number
    4. Telephone Number
  3. Receive confirmation of test registration and instructions for test access in Canvas

On Test Day

  1. Log in to Canvas at scheduled time of test
  2. Complete the ESL Student Survey and Practice Tests
  3. Complete and submit the CSN ESL Placement Test

After Testing

  1. Receive message with ESL Program placements
  2. Log in to MyCSN to view Test Scores and search courses
  3. Enroll in available courses

Any Questions?  Please email the ESL Testing Center or call:

West Charleston - World Languages Lab

North Las Vegas - World Languages Lab

(702) 651-5736

(702) 651-4475

ESL Placement Test Instructions

The CSN ESL Placement Test is remotely proctored in Canvas.  You will access your test at a scheduled date and time.  There is a maximum time of 3 hours to complete and submit your test. 

1.  Writing
Questions #1-2
Choose Prompt A or Prompt B (Not Both)
Write a Response to the Prompt
Recommended Word Count
Prompt A- 100-300 words
Prompt B- 100-400 words
Recommended Time: 1 to 1.5 hours

2.  Language Use
Questions #3-52
50 Multiple Choice Items
Recommended Time: 30 minutes

3.  Reading Comprehension
Questions #53-77
4 Reading Passages
22 Multiple Choice Items
3 True/False Items
Recommended Time: 45 minutes

4.  Submit Quiz
Submit your quiz to end the test session.  Placement Test results and CSN ESL course enrollment information will be sent by email within one business day.  Please login to your MyCSN account to complete enrollment.

ESL to English Course Sequence diagram.

For accessible content, please contact our staff below

The ESL Program embraces both a class and lab approach leading to a basic mastery of spoken and written English. The program structure is based on three levels of proficiency: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced. The student will be placed into the appropriate level of study through a diagnostic test.

ESL 70 Integrated Skills I The goal of this course is students’ acquisition and control of the sound structures and sentence patterns of basic introductory English. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test. (3 credits)

ESL 72 Integrated Skills II The goal of this course is students’ acquisition and control of the sound structures and sentence patterns of beginning – low level English. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 70 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 76 Integrated Skills III The goal of this course is students’ acquisition and control of the basic sound structures and sentence patterns of beginning – mid Level English. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 72 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 78 Integrated Skills IV The goal of this course is students’ acquisition and control of the basic sound structures and sentence patterns of beginning – high level English. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 76 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 80 Listening and Pronunciation The goal of this course is for students to improve sound production and listening comprehension specifically in vowel/consonant system, reduced forms, stress and intonation. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 76 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 82 Reading I The goal of this course is for students to develop intermediate – low level reading skills through analysis of assigned texts. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 78 with a grade of “C-“ or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 84 Grammar I The goal of this course is students’ acquisition and control of the basic sound structures and sentence patterns of intermediate – low Level English. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 78 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 86 Beginning Conversation The goal of this course is for ESL students to gain confidence in speaking, increase vocabulary, start conversations, and improve fluency and accuracy. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 78 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 88 Reading II The goal of this course is for students to develop intermediate – mid level reading skills through analysis of assigned texts. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 82 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 90 Grammar II The goal of this course is students’ acquisition and control of the basic sound structures and sentence patterns of intermediate – high Level English. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 84 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 92 Intermediate Conversation The goal of this course is for ESL students to form/support/argue opinions in conversations and increase fluency and accuracy. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 84 or ESL 86 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 127 Listening and Note-taking The goal of this course is to improve students’ listening comprehension, speaking, and note- taking skills in preparation of lecture-based courses. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 90 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 129 Writing I This goal of this course is for ESL students to write short simple, compound, and complex sentences without global errors and to form clear, short paragraphs. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 90 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 132 Reading III The goal of this course is for students to develop intermediate – high level reading skills through analysis of assigned texts. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 88 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 133 Speech This goal of this course is for ESL students to speak effectively and give formal speeches in front of a large group. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 129 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 135 Reading IV The goal of this course is for students to develop advanced – low level reading skills through analysis of assigned texts. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 132 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 138 Writing II The goal of this course is for ESL student to write complex paragraphs. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 129 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 139 Writing III The goal of this course is for ESL students to write 5-paragraph essays. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 135 and 138 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

ESL 140 Advanced English Editing The goal of this course is for advanced ESL speakers to edit their own grammar mistakes in writing. Prerequisite: ESL Placement Test or ESL 139 with a grade of "C-" or higher, or instructor permission. (3 credits)

For accessible content, please contact our staff below

Learn how to get started with the English as a Second Language curriculum (for domestic CSN ESL students only). Find out more information about ESL placement, offered courses, the proper class sequence, and how to enroll in courses. Students will also have a chance to meet with representatives from recruiting, advising, and career services. For more information and to register, contact

Vena Ampolpittayanan at (702) 651-4475

Teresa Parsons at (702) 651-5736

Note: International students with questions about ESL classes, please contact the International Student Center at (702) 651-5820.

Stephen Peridore - Department Chair (702) 651-7674
Vena Ampolpittayanan - World Languages Lab Manager (702)651-4475
Teresa Parsons - World Languages Lab Manager  (702)651-5736

Stephen Peridore - Department Chair & Professor of English as a Second Language (702) 651-7674

Craig Anderson – Professor of English as a Second Language (702) 651-7836

Bette Brickman – Professor of English as a Second Language (702) 651-5531

Shane Dick – Professor of English as a Second Language (702) 651-7371

Diana Kravchenko – Professor of English as a Second Language (702) 651-5752

Amy Litman – Professor of English as a Second Language (702) 651-7576

Kenneth Umland – Professor of English as a Second Language (702) 651-5736