Bylaws and Rules Committee

Faculty Senate Bylaws, Section VII, Article 7.3.4:  Bylaws and Rules Committee Charge

  • Advise the Senate in matters involving the interpretation of the Senate Bylaws, CSN Bylaws and the NSHE Code.
  • Review CSN policies, Faculty Senate Bylaws, CSN Bylaws and NSHE Code and report possible conflicts or deficiencies to the Senate by the last meeting of each Fall semester.
  • Review status of Continuing Committees to recommend discontinuation.
  • Review and make recommendations on other topics related to its primary charge as directed by the Senate Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee

NOTE: In the 2014-2015 academic year, it was recognized that, to work within the framework concerning professional advancement as established by the Board of Regents, the Tenure and Professional Advancement Committee had items related to tenure removed from their charge and, hence, became the "Professional Advancement Committee." Until a "Faculty Senate Tenure Committee" is established and charged, questions and issues concerning the Faculty Tenure Policy should be directed to the Bylaws and Rules Committee.

Tenure Information

In the State of Nevada, tenure is a discretionary decision based on such factors as teaching, service, and professional development. CSN extends tenure to approved members of the full-time teaching faculty hired into tenure track appointment and to certain others as defined in this policy. Tenure track appointments, after the implementation of this policy, will only be given to those members of the faculty who, at the time of such appointments, meet the requirements specified in CSN policy.

Taking into consideration the exceptions as noted in the Tenure Policy, eligible faculty members apply for tenure during their fourth year of employment.

Upon hire, Tenure-Track faculty should be issued a personal shell in the CSN Learning Management System (LMS). The shell can be acquired by contacting the Office of eLearning ( The faculty member shall collect and organize supporting materials in the LMS shell, and, at the appropriate times, the individual's Tenure Committee, Department Chair, Dean and VPAA shall be granted review access to the shell.

NOTE: The Tenure Policy also outlines the procedure for faculty mentors, who shall be appointed by the appropriate supervisor prior to the CSN Convocation (or upon hire for those hired during the semester and after the CSN Convocation) for each newly hired tenure-track faculty.


September 14 - Appointment of Tenure Committee

October 1 - Tenure Application submitted to Supervisor, who submits it to the Chair of the Tenure Committee by October 7

October 31 - Tenure Committee reports forwarded to the Department Chair (or appropriate Supervisor)

November 7 - Department Chair forwards all materials to Dean

November 14 - Dean forwards all materials to appropriate Vice President, and informs candidate of status of the application

November 21 - Submission of recommendation from Vice President to President

December 14 - Submission of recommendations from President to Board of Regents

January 30 - President informs the applicant in writing of the progress of the application

Deadlines on the respective Due Dates are before 5 PM.

If a Due Date falls on a non-workday for the College, the Due Date shall be the next College workday.

Tenure Information

In the State of Nevada, tenure is a discretionary decision based on such factors as teaching, service, and professional development. CSN extends tenure to approved members of the full-time teaching faculty hired into tenure track appointment and to certain others as defined in this policy. Tenure track appointments, after the implementation of this policy, will only be given to those members of the faculty who, at the time of such appointments, meet the requirements specified in CSN policy.

Taking into consideration the exceptions as noted in the Tenure Policy, eligible faculty members apply for tenure during their fourth year of employment.

Upon hire, Tenure-Track faculty should be issued a personal shell in the CSN Learning Management System (LMS). The shell can be acquired by contacting the Office of eLearning ( The faculty member shall collect and organize supporting materials in the LMS shell, and, at the appropriate times, the individual's Tenure Committee, Department Chair, Dean and VPAA shall be granted review access to the shell.

NOTE: The Tenure Policy also outlines the procedure for faculty mentors, who shall be appointed by the appropriate supervisor prior to the CSN Convocation (or upon hire for those hired during the semester and after the CSN Convocation) for each newly hired tenure-track faculty.


September 14 - Appointment of Tenure Committee

October 1 - Tenure Application submitted to Supervisor, who submits it to the Chair of the Tenure Committee by October 7

October 31 - Tenure Committee reports forwarded to the Department Chair (or appropriate Supervisor)

November 7 - Department Chair forwards all materials to Dean

November 14 - Dean forwards all materials to appropriate Vice President, and informs candidate of status of the application

November 21 - Submission of recommendation from Vice President to President

December 14 - Submission of recommendations from President to Board of Regents

January 30 - President informs the applicant in writing of the progress of the application

Deadlines on the respective Due Dates are before 5 PM.

If a Due Date falls on a non-workday for the College, the Due Date shall be the next College workday.

2024-2025 Bylaws and Rules Committee Chair

Committee Membership

MemberSchoolTerm Expires