Legislative Action Committee

Faculty Senate Bylaws, Article VII, Section 7.4:
Continuing Committee Charge (per Faculty Senate) - Legislative Action Committee

The Faculty Senate Legislative Action Committee represents faculty interests at various levels of government and provides education about the legislative process.

2024-2025 Legislative Action Committee Chair

Sondra Cosgrove, PH: 702-651-4388

Committee Membership

MemberSchoolTerm Expires 
Sondra Cosgrove - ChairEducation, Behavioral & Social Sciences2026 
Robert DiazAdvanced & Applied Technologies2026 
Linda GannonArts & Letters2025 
Sherry GonzalesHealth Sciences2025 
Andrew LerwillScience, Engineering & Mathematics2026 
Marie MartinHealth Sciences2026 
Camile NaaktgeborenScience, Engineering & Mathematics2025 
Glenda WhiteBusiness, Hospitality & Public Services2025