Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits each semester to qualify for Millennium funding at the community college level.
At CSN, students are eligible for $40 per credit up to 15 credits. The maximum amount a student can receive who is enrolled in 15 credits or more in a semester is $600.
Student Benefits
- How Do I Qualify?
- What Do I Need To Do To Receive Funding?
- Maintaining Eligibility
- I Have Permanently Lost Eligibility. What Do I Do?
- When Will I Receive Scholarship Funds?
- I Want To Drop Class(es). Will This Affect My Eligibility?
- I Do Not Want To Use My Scholarship This Semester
- Can I Get The Millennium Scholarship At Two Institutions Simultaneously?
- CSN Procedure for Co-Enrollment (with CSN as Home Institution)
- CSN Procedure for Co-Enrollment (with CSN as Host Institution)
- Assistance For Disabled Students
- Are Other Financial Aid Funds Available To Me?
Related Links
* Tuition and fees are subject to change by the Board of Regents.
New Changes to the Millennium Scholarship program due to Senate Bill 128 (SB 128) effective fall 2020:
Effective July 1, 2020, and beginning this Fall, 2020 semester, students must maintain for each fall and spring semester that Millennium Scholarship funding is received at least at a 2.75 semester grade point average, regardless of high school graduation year or the number of credits earned.
Students must still be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits each semester to qualify for Millennium funding at the community college level.
At CSN, students are eligible for $40.00 per credit up to 15 credits. The maximum amount a student can receive who is enrolled in 15 credits or more in a semester is $600.00.
More information about the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship is contained in this helpful video below:
Student Benefits
Lifetime of the Scholarship:
- Six academic years following your high school graduation date. If you do not use your GGMS immediately after high school, you will remain eligible as long as you meet the continuation requirements (declared degree, sufficient credits, etc.) and activate your GGMS during the six-year limit. The expiration date is May 31 of the sixth year of eligibility.
Students who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during the lifetime of their scholarship or participated in a charitable, religious, or public service assignment or mission can request an extension through the Office of the Nevada State Treasurer, Millennium Scholarship Program. Please visit the Millennium Scholarship website at:, or call (702) 486-3383 or toll-free (888) 477-2667 for additional information.
After graduation with a certificate or degree, Millennium Scholars may continue to utilize their Millennium Scholarship, provided they re-enroll in a new certificate or degree program and have not exceeded their scholarship balance or years of eligibility.
Maximum Benefit:
- $10,000 for Millennium Scholarship eligibility duration
- 15 credit hours per semester at $40 per credit
Millennium will not pay for remedial classes* in any semester, but these credits count towards the required minimum credits if they are taken in the spring and fall semesters.
*Remedial classes are defined as any course with a course number less than 100.
Will Millennium Pay for:
How Do I Qualify?
Initial Eligibility:
The Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, Office of the Nevada State Treasurer, evaluates student High School attendance and performance data as submitted by their high school and determines whether the student qualifies. An Award Package containing detailed information about the scholarship requirements is mailed to new Millennium Scholarship recipients, usually during the months of July and August following High School graduation. Please visit the Millennium Scholarship Program website at:, or call (702) 486-3383 or toll free (888) 477-2667 for additional initial eligibility information.
Students who believe they fulfilled all initial eligibility requirements but have not received an award package should contact the High School they graduated from to find out if their name was submitted to the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, Office of the Nevada State Treasurer.
- If yes, call the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, Office of the Nevada State Treasurer, at (702) 486-3383, toll free at (888) 477-2667.
- If no, request that the High School submit your name as soon as possible and follow-up with the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, Office of the Nevada State Treasurer, contact information as above.
For questions concerning the eligibility of students graduating early, or home-schooled students, please call the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, Office of the Nevada State Treasurer at the contact information cited above.
What Do I Need To Do To Receive Funding?
Scholarship Activation:
All new Millennium Scholars are required to submit an Acknowledgement of Award to the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, Office of the Nevada State Treasurer. Students can do so online at, or by submitting the signed paper copy of the Acknowledgement form provided in their Award Package by mail.
Activation at CSN is not required as all colleges and universities participating in the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program are provided information for all eligible students. At CSN Millennium Scholars must enroll in a minimum of nine (9) credit hours in each spring and fall semester and must have a major (certificate or degree program) declared with the CSN Office of the Registrar (prior to the start of the semester) to receive funding.
All students who are eligible for the Millennium Scholarship, are enrolled in at least 9 credits, and have a major declared with the CSN Office of the Register are automatically funded each semester. Students who are enrolled at either a State College, or University, and at CSN (except for approved co-enrollment) should submit a Millennium Scholarship Funds Waiver Form at the institution they do not wish to receive funding. This will avoid overfunding between two institutions and consequently having to repay Millennium Scholarship funds that were disbursed at one of them.
Social Security Number Disclosure:
Students are not required to disclose their Social Security Number to CSN to receive Millennium Scholarship funds. However, frequently Millennium Scholarship records fail to link to CSN student records because students choose not to disclose their Social Security number when registering at CSN. Millennium Scholars are responsible to review their MyCSN record and notify the CSN Millennium Scholarship Office of any discrepancies at the email address provided so that their files can be manually linked.
Declaration of Major:
It is an eligibility requirement that students are enrolled in a program of study leading to a certificate, associate's, or bachelor's degree. All Millennium Scholars must declare a major with the CSN Office of the Registrar. This also applies to the semester in which a student is attempting to regain eligibility for the Millennium Scholarship program. Retroactive funding for previous semesters after declaration of major is not permitted.
If you are declaring your major online, please be sure to select DCS as your Academic Program.
The degree or certificate declaration with the CSN Office of the Registrar must be made before the first day of the semester for which funding is requested. A major declared on or after the first day of a semester is not valid until the following semester of enrollment.
Maintaining Eligibility
Continued eligibility during the lifetime of the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program is based on semester GPA and completion rate.
- Effective July 1, 2020, a student must maintain for each fall and spring semester that Millennium Scholarship funding is received at least a 2.75 semester grade point average.
At CSN, students must:
- Be enrolled in and complete at least 9 credits in a degree-seeking course. Remedial classes (course numbers below 100) count towards the minimum enrollment but are not funded.
- Declare a recognized major (certificate or degree program) with the Office of the Registrar.
We strongly advise Millennium Scholars to talk to the Financial Aid Office prior to dropping classes!
Reinstatement of Eligibility:
Students may reinstate their eligibility only once during the lifetime of the Millennium Scholarship. To reinstate, students must complete 9 semester credits with a GPA as specified above at their own expense. There is no retroactive funding for the reinstatement semester after successful reinstatement.
Students must be enrolled in a certificate or degree-seeking program (see Declaration of Major).
Once grades for the reinstatement semester have been posted, students will be notified in writing by the Office of the Nevada State Treasurer, Millennium Scholarship Program, whether eligibility is reinstated. Please maintain an updated address for that purpose. To correct your name and/or address, please access their website at
Incomplete Grades:
Incomplete grades must be changed by the following deadlines:
- Summer semester by the end of the following fall term
- Fall semester by the end of the following spring term
- Spring semester by the end of the following summer term
These timelines apply to the Millennium Scholarship Program only!
One-Strike-Only Policy:
- All students who lose their eligibility more than once are no longer eligible for the Millennium Scholarship. The unused balance of a student's Millennium Scholarship is returned to the state to fund other students' scholarships.
I Have Permanently Lost Eligibility. What Do I Do?
Students who have not already done so should complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at After receiving their SAR (Student Aid Report), students should monitor their email and/or MyCSN Communications Center, as well as our Financial Aid webpage, for messages from CSN Financial Aid Office concerning the institutional application process.
FAFSA applicants who have completed their FAFSA by the posted academic year CSN application deadline are considered for State and Institutional grants.
Please, also consider applying for CSN Scholarships through our CSN Scholarship Web Portal.
When Will I Receive Scholarship Funds?
Spring and Fall Semesters:
Millennium Scholarship funding occurs 7 days before the official start of the semester and is posted for each semester on our Financial Aid webpage.
CSN makes every effort to hold eligible Millennium Scholars in their classes. However, the Millennium Scholarship covers only a portion of tuition and fees for a semester, and student eligibility may change after a completed semester. We, therefore, recommend that Millennium Scholars set up a time payment plan with the CSN Cashier's Office and make timely payments by the due dates posted in MyCSN to prevent possible enrollment cancellation.
Millennium Scholarship funds are posted to CSN student accounts and pay any outstanding balance. Residual amounts will be sent to students via EFT or check, depending on the arrangements they made for this purpose with the CSN Cashier's Office. This process generally takes 10 business days. According to Millennium Scholarship regulations, refunds are to be used for education-related books and supplies; there is no Book Award under the Millennium Scholarship Program.
Once disbursements are made, funds may not be adjusted or returned.
Students who have compelling and documentable reasons to withdraw from their classes could file an appeal with the CSN Office of the Registrar for an exception to the refund policy.
Upon approval of such appeal, Millennium Scholarship funds that were disbursed for the semester concerned may be adjusted by CSN and returned to the Millennium Scholarship Fund. The adjusted amount is debited to the student's account and must be repaid to CSN. This will result in reinstatement of eligibility for the Millennium Scholarship.
It is the student's responsibility to notify the CSN Millennium Scholarship Office of an approved appeal for an exception to the refund policy in a timely fashion so that we can make the necessary transactions. This process must be completed within a current Millennium year (summer through spring semester).
Summer Enrollment:
To be eligible for Millennium funds for summer enrollment, the student must:
- Be eligible for the Millennium Scholarship at the beginning of the summer term, and
- Have been enrolled in either the preceding Spring semester or be enrolled in the following Fall semester for a minimum of 9 credits (12 credits if enrollment was/is at a State College or University), and
- Have a declaration of major on file with the CSN Office of the Registrar
There is no minimum credit enrollment required for summer semesters, but the Millennium scholarship will only pay for classes completed with a D- or above up to a maximum of 15 non-remedial credits. Students do not lose eligibility due to summer enrollment, because the scholarship pays only for successfully completed classes.
Students must pay for classes by the tuition and fees due date for the summer semester. Millennium Scholarship funds will be reimbursed once summer grades have been posted and Fall enrollment has been funded (around mid-October).
Students who are using the summer semester for reinstatement are subject to the semester GPA requirements of 2.75 and must enroll in a minimum of 9 credits in order to reinstate.
**The following Summer Reimbursement Request Form is not needed if you received the Millennium Scholarship in the prior spring semester and you enroll at that same institution. Only if you are a new student starting in a summer term or received a Millennium Scholarship in the spring term at an institution other than CSN, please complete the following form for processing according to the foregoing guidelines.
I Want To Drop Class(es). Will This Affect My Eligibility?
Classes may be dropped. However, the student must complete a minimum of 9 credits each semester (except summer) and maintain the required GPA in order not to lose eligibility. We urge students to consult with CSN Financial Aid Office before dropping classes.
I Do Not Want To Use My Scholarship This Semester
Taking a Break:
Students may take a break in enrollment and remain eligible for the Millennium Scholarship if:
- The student takes less than 9 credits in a semester or
- Signs a Millennium Funds Waiver (see below for details) prior to the start of the semester if taking 9 credits or more and
- The semester credits and GPA, as listed above, were maintained during the last Millennium fund eligible enrollment and
- The scholarship's lifetime and funds have not expired
Millennium Funds Waiver:
If a student enrolls in 9 or more credits but wishes to not use the Millennium funds she/he is entitled to, the student would need to submit the Millennium Scholarship Funds Waiver Form at least 14 days prior to the start of a semester.
The waiver is valid for the current semester only.
Once Millennium funds have been disbursed, the CSN Millennium Scholarship Office cannot recall the funds nor accept a pay-back/refund.
Can I Get The Millennium Scholarship At Two Institutions Simultaneously?
Co-Enrollment between:
- Community College and State College or University, or
- State College and University, or
- University and University
Students may co-enroll in two eligible institutions with the approval of their Home institution.
The Home institution is the college/university at which the student is enrolled in a program of study leading to a recognized degree or certificate. This institution has the discretion to approve co-enrollment. The Host Institution is the college/university at which the student takes classes and then transfers credits back to the Home institution.
The student must submit the co-enrollment form to the Home institution. Each institution has its own co-enrollment policy and procedure. Co-enrolled students are not required to declare their major at their Host institution. If CSN is the Home institution, the student must declare his/her major with the Office of the Registrar. Co-enrolled students must be enrolled in 12 credits or more between two institutions. The Millennium Scholarship will pay for a maximum of 15 semester credits between both institutions.
There is no co-enrollment in the summer semester. Please review "Summer Enrollment" in the text above.
CSN Procedure for Co-Enrollment (with CSN as Home Institution)
- Student registers for courses at BOTH institutions.
- Student completes "Co-Enrollment Form", see link below.
- Student submits Co-Enrollment Form to CSN Financial Aid Office, together with,
- A copy of the students CSN degree sheet reflecting the course(s) taken at the Host institution, signed by the student and a counselor or academic advisor no earlier than 4 weeks prior to submittal.
- A statement by the student detailing the reason for the request to take classes at another institution.
- The form must be submitted no later than the end of the semester for which co-enrollment is requested.
- Incomplete Co-Enrollment Forms (information and/or attachments missing) will not be processed.
- CSN Millennium Scholarship Office will notify the student via e-mail, as well as the HOST institution, and the Millennium Scholarship Office at the Nevada State Treasurer of the decision.
If approved, each institution will pay Millennium Scholarship funds for credits taken at their campus, at a maximum of 15 credits combined.
It is the responsibility of the student to transfer credits from the Host institution to the Home institution.
CSN Procedure for Co-Enrollment (with CSN as Host Institution)
After registering at both institutions, the student initiates the co-enrollment form with their NSHE Home Institution and follows that procedure. Once approved by the Home Institution, your request will be forwarded to the Host Institution for processing. CSN as Host institution will only fund credits listed on the Home Institution's Co-Enrollment form. If approved, each institution will pay Millennium Scholarship funds for credits taken at their respective campus not exceeding the maximum of 15 credits allowed in a semester.
It is the responsibility of the student to transfer credits from the Host institution to the Home institution.
Assistance For Disabled Students
Students who are qualified as permanently or temporarily disabled by the CSN Disability Resource Center are exempt from the established lifetime use and the minimum number of credit requirements.
If a disabled Millennium student takes less than 9 credits in either the Fall or Spring semester, the student must complete the Millennium Students with Documented Disabilities Form, have it signed by the Student Disabilities Officer, and submit it to the CSN Millennium Scholarship Office at the beginning of the semester. The form is available here: Millennium Documented Disabilities Form. This form is not required if the student can enroll in 9 credits or more.
The form may be filed during the semester if the student needs to reduce the course load due to a sudden change in the qualifying condition.
The form must be submitted by the end of the semester for which a reduced credit load (below 9 credits) is required.
Filing the Millennium Students with Documented Disabilities Form does not waive the GPA requirements.
A new form must be submitted for each semester.
Are Other Financial Aid Funds Available To Me?
We encourage all students to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at After receiving their SAR (Student Aid Report), students should monitor their email and/or MyCSN Communications Center, as well the Financial Aid webpage, for messages from CSN Financial Aid concerning the institutional application process.
FAFSA applicants who have completed their FAFSA by the posted academic year CSN application deadline are considered for State and Institutional grants.
Please consider applying for CSN Scholarships through our CSN Scholarship Web Portal.