The Anthropology Program utilizes a four-field approach to the study of humanity: human biological characteristics, culture, language, and the human past.

Why Study Anthropology at CSN?

This approach provides our students with an evolutionary, holistic, and comparative understanding of human diversity and similarity. The program has cooperative agreements with several federal agencies for conducting archaeological research and internship programs to give students practical experience in the field.

An associate degree in anthropology can lead to positions such as archaeological technicians for cultural resource management firms or interpretive specialists with the federal government. Students from our program have worked for federal agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service, as well as for private archaeological research firms.

Degrees and Certificates

Anthropology: AA

Anthropology is the study of all aspects of humans at all times and in all places. A four-field approach to the study of humanity – including human biological characteristics, culture, language, and the human past – provides students with an evolutionary, holistic, and comparative understanding of human diversity and similarity.

Cultural Resource Management: CA

Cultural resource management (CRM) is the practice of preserving cultural resources through the use of archaeological methods of survey, data collection, excavation, laboratory analysis and curation of cultural materials (artifacts), monitoring sensitive sites, and public outreach.

Forensic Anthropology: CA

The Forensic Anthropology certificate program provides a foundation in the biological, social, and applied components of forensic activities in which anthropologists engage. The certificate program is designed to prepare students for a variety of pathways leading to careers in forensic anthropology at local and national levels.