Safe Zone

Diversity Initiatives

Welcome to the CSN Safe Zone website! The CSN Safe Zone Program is designed to promote a more welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for members of the LGBTQ communities and to educate and promote understanding, appreciation and respect. It includes training, the formation of an ally program with identified Safe Zones throughout the college campuses, and information and resources available at various locations, including Safe Zone spaces, a Safe Zone web portal, and targeted events and activities.

College of Southern Nevada faculty and staff can register for future training classes by
visiting the Center for Academic & Professional Excellence (CAPE) website.

CSN Safe Zone logo

Safe Zone Training Schedule

Safe Zone 101 – 2 hours

  • Introduction
  • About The Safe Space Program
  • What Is Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  • Current Statistics
  • LGBTQ Terminology
  • Supporting LGBTQ Students
  • Creating Safe and Inclusive Classrooms and Campuses

Safe Zone 102 – 2 hours

  • Learning Activities and Assessment
  • LGBTQ Student Scenarios
  • Questions and Evaluation

North Las Vegas Campus - Safe Zone Allies
Charlene Gibson (H-121)
Erica Vital-Lazare (H-212)
Megan Swallia
Susan Gregg
Zend Lakdavala
Katherine Baker
Joseph Hassert
Benjamin Dyer
Leilani Lucas
Jennifer Weber
Janis Riceberg
Donna Crail-Rugotzke
Andrew McCarthy
Adam Burgess
Charleston Campus - Safe Zone Allies
Andrew Kolb
Caprice Roberson
Emily King
Jason Green
Jennifer Basquiat
Lisa Clayton
Lynn Best
Mari Fukuda
Mary Grijalva
Nicole Sandberg
Owen Pillion
Richard Theis
Yongyu Pang
Barbara Bird
Tracy Dambrosia
Bernadette Lopez
Dave Morgan
Collin Stewart
Ted Chodock
Cynthia Stine
Bridget Taylor
Valerie Hecht
Suzan Workman
Natalie Lorenzano
Robyn Rohde
Kevin Herrera
Melodye Lehnerer
Theri Wyckoff
Alena Bottesch
Carson Schuetze

Henderson Campus - Safe Zone Allies
Brett Riley
Kalene Westmoreland
Julian Barroso-Merino
Nayellee Villanveva
Flora R. Woratschek

A safe zone or a safe space is a confidential place where all people can bring their authentic selves and feel safe, welcome and included. It may be a classroom, a car or an entire agency. Creating safe zones or safe spaces is a proactive step that schools, agencies and corporations can take to create welcoming, inclusive spaces so that all people are empowered to reach their full potential.

While progress is slowly being made to create more welcoming and inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ employees, there is still much to be done.  Below are some eye-opening statistics from the 2014 Human Rights Campaign’s The Cost of the Closet, a national study examining workplace climate for LGBTQ employees.

  • 62% of LGBTQ employees report hearing jokes about lesbians and gays in the workplace.
  • 53% of LGBTQ employees hide who they are at work.
  • 20% of LGBTQ employees report looking for another job specifically because their workplace environment wasn’t accepting of LGBTQ individuals.

For many LGBTQ individuals energy that could be spent on working and creating healthy relationships with coworkers is instead spent on maintaining barriers, avoiding social events and learning how to keep secrets about their home lives and families.