School of Advanced & Applied Technologies

School of Advanced and Applied Technologies

How well are students demonstrating learning achievement in the School of Advanced and Applied Technologies?

Figure 1

Percent of Student Learning Outcome Achievement across AAT Programs

Figure 1 above shows that student achievement of program learning outcomes across all 72 Advanced and Applied Technology programs has increased from 23% in 2015 -2016 to 63% in 2016-2017.  This increase is primarily due to the increased ability of academic program faculty to identify culminating course assessment measures (course assignments) and align the measures with the abilities students need to demonstrate by the end of the program.  This chart reflects how well students are learning and performing.

Figure 2

Percent of AAT Programs with ALL SLOs Achieved at 80% or Higher

Figure 2 above illustrates the percentage of Advanced and Applied Technology programs (72 different programs) where the learning outcomes for a program have all been achieved by students at 80% or higher.  This percentage was 0% in 2015-2016 (due to non-reporting) and has increased to 38% in 2016-2017.

How well are Students Learning within Department Programs?

All programs identify valid assessment measures and report on how well students are performing the essential abilities within the learning major.  CSN has set a goal for all student learning outcomes (program or course) to be achieved by students at 80% or higher.  For each of the programs listed below, student learning outcome achievement is shown as student performance averaged across all program student learning outcomes (SLOs).

2016-2017 Reporting Data

Air Conditioning

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceAir Conditioning Technology77%0%23%
Certificate of AchievementAir Conditioning Technology77%0%23%
Associate of Applied ScienceCental Plant82%0%18%
Certificate of AchievementCentral Plant82%0%18%
Associate of Applied ScienceCritical Systems77%0%23%
Certificate of AchievementCritical Systems77%0%23%
Associate of Applied ScienceFood Service Refrigeration77%0%23%
Certificate of AchievementFood Service Refrigeration77%0%23%

Advanced Design Technology

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceInterior Design*  
Certificate of AchievementResidential Design*  

* Not reported

Automotive Technology

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceAlternative Fuels & Hybrid Technician*  
Associate of Applied ScienceCollision Repair*  
Certificate of AchievementCollision Repair*  
Certificate of AchievementDiagnostic Specialist*  
Certificate of AchievementHeavy-Line Specialist*  
Associate of Applied ScienceMaster Technician*  
Associate of Applied SciencePerformance Technician*  
Associate of Applied ScienceService Technician*  
Certificate of AchievementAuto Maintenance and Light Repair*  
Associate of Applied ScienceDiesel Heavy Equipment Master Technician*  
Associate of Applied ScienceDiesel Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technician*  

* Not reported

Aviation Technology

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceFlight Operations*  
Associate of Applied ScienceProfessional Pilot*  
Certificate of AchievementAviation Technology*  

*Not reported

Construction Management

DegreeProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceConstruction Management95%5%0%

Engineering Technology

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceBench Technician90%10%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceBiomedical Equipment Technician90%10%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceDefense Contractor Technician90%10%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceElectronics89%11%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceIndustrial96%4%0%
Certificate of AchievementIndustrial96%4%0%
Certificate of AchievementManagement95%5%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceOperations96%4%0%
Certificate of AchievementOperations88%12%0%
Associate of Applied SciencePower Utility- Electrical Maintenance*  
Certificate of AchievementPower Utility- Electrical Maintenance*  
Associate of Applied SciencePower Utility- Mechanical Maintenance*  
Certificate of AchievementPower Utility- Mechanical Maintenance*  
Associate of Applied SciencePower Utility- Plant Operation*  
Certificate of AchievementPower Utility- Plant Operation*  
Associate of Applied ScienceSelf-Service Device Technician92%8%0%
Certificate of AchievementSlot Repair*  
Associate of Applied ScienceSlot Technology Technician*  
Associate of Applied ScienceTelecommunications89%11%0%
Certificate of AchievementTelecommunications86%14%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceTheater Technology84%16%0%
Certificate of AchievementTheater Technology99%1%0%

* Not reported

Floral Design Technology

Degee/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceFloral Design Technology*  
Certificate of AchievementFloral Design Technology*  

* Not reported

Wastewater Treatment

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceWastewater Treatment94%0%6%
Certificate of AchievementWastewater Treatment94%0%6%
Associate of Applied ScienceWater Treatment97%0%3%
Certificate of AchievementWater Treatment97%0%3%

Welding Technology

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceAdvanced Level Welder84%0%16%
Certificate of AchievementEntry Level Welder86%0%14%

Cyber Security

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceDigital Forensics   
Certificate of AchievementDigital Forensics   
Associate of Applied ScienceNetwork Security   

* Not reported

Information Management

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Certificate of AchievementNetwork Infrastructure Analyst   
Certificate of AchievementSoftware Analyst   
Certificate of AchievementVirtual Computing Analyst   

* Not reported


Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceClient/Server   
Associate of Applied ScienceLinux   
Associate of Applied ScienceRouter/Switch   

* Not reported


Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceDatabase   
Associate of Applied ScienceProgramming   
Associate of Applied ScienceWeb Development   

*Not reported

Graphic Communication

Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceGraphic Design100%0%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceWeb Design100%0%0%


Degree/CertificateProgramPercent AchievedPercent Partially AchievedPercent Not Achieved
Associate of Applied ScienceCommercial Photography100%0%0%
Associate of Applied ScienceVideo and Film100%0%0%