UROP Student Awards

Mr. Joshua Monk.  NV INBRE UROP grant mentor (8 P20 GM103440- 2019), Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP): $6,000.  Mentoring 1 UNLV student in summer research of “Methods to identify emerging contaminants such as the metabolites of illicit drugs will increase knowledge concerning their presence in the wider environment.”  Mentoring faculty:  Dr. Douglas Sims and Dr. Amanda Hudson

Conference Presentation: Monk, J, MC Garner, AC Hudson, K Lindley, DB Sims, 2019.  Method for Detecting Emerging Contaminants in the Environment.  UNR INBRE Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Symposium. August 7, 2019.  [Poster]

Ms. Adriana Baker. NV INBRE UROP grant mentor (NNX14Q94A - 2017), Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP): $6,000.  Mentoring 1 UNLV student in summer (2017) research of cyanide content of juice and smoothie drinks commonly sold at health food specialty eateries across Las Vegas, NV (n=1).  Mentoring faculty:  Dr. Douglas Sims

Published results:  Baker, A., M.C. Garner, K.W. Kimberley, D.B. Sims, J.H. Stordock, R.P. Taggart, D.J. Walton, 2018.  Cyanide toxicity of freshly prepared smoothies and juices frequently consumed in the raw and natural food craze.  European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety 8(4): 215-224.  (Picked up by KTNV 13 News and presented live)

Conference Presentation: A Baker, DB Sims, J Stordock, R Taggart, 2016.  Cyanide Content in Raw Seeds, Kernels and Juices Commonly Found in Health Food Stores.  NV section, ACS – SNS conference, November 19, 2016. [Poster]  Awarded first place for students.

Mr. Jose Garcia. National Science Foundation’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR – 2016) Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP): $4,750.  Mentoring student in summer 2016 research of (literature review) climate change across North America as water is a major stressor due to population growth and current climatic shifts.  Mentoring faculty:  Dr. Douglas Sims