Asset Management & Inventory Control


Delivery Service’s Inventory Control is responsible for the identification, recording, and tracking of all college equipment, and administers the annual physical inventory.

Purchased goods with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more are considered Capital Equipment and each will be tagged, tracked, and registered as a Business Asset in Workday.

In addition to the guideline above, the purchase of the following items, no matter their costs, will be considered Sensitive Equipment and will be tagged, tracked, and registered as a Business Asset in Workday.

  1. Firearms
  2. Computers:  i.e., desktops, servers, laptops, tablets
  3. Printers
  4. Drones
  5. Any Grant funded item with a cost between $1,000.00 and $4,999.99.

Asset management and inventory control start at the beginning of the acquisition process. Delivery Services reviews every Requisition submitted through Workday to ensure proper Spend Categories and Additional Worktags are applied.

Upon acceptance, packages are carefully inspected by the Delivery Services team. Items that meet trackable requirements are tagged and asset information is recorded into the inventory system.

Please review the Delivery Services Guide for detailed information.


A Gift-in-Kind Form (GIK) must be submitted to the Foundation Office for any good or service provided to CSN as a donation, gift, or free of cost. The Gift-in-Kind form can be obtained from the Foundation Office.


Any trackable equipment that is moved from its recorded location requires an Asset Transfer Form to be completed, signed by an Inventory Custodian (dean, director, department head, or other program manager), and submitted to Inventory Control.


CSN permits individuals to checkout college equipment for completion of academic and/or administrative assignments through a checkout process.

» Individuals removing college equipment from campus assume full responsibility for the care, security, and replacement of such property should it be lost or damaged beyond repair. «

The Office of Technology Services (OTS) or the department Inventory Custodian (dean, director, department head, or other program manager) must submit an Off Campus Use Permit Form (OCUP) to Inventory Control.

  1. For computer equipment such as laptops, desktops, tablets, printers, etc., the form must be completed and submitted by the Office of Technology Services (OTS).
  2. For department equipment checkout, the form must be completed and submitted by the department’s Inventory Custodian.

College property must be returned immediately:

  1. At the request of the dean, director, other department head or administration.
  2. At the request of the Office of Technology Services (OTS).
  3. Upon the employee/student/contractor’s separation from CSN.
  4. If the equipment is no longer being used.

Equipment that is checked out is to be included as part of the responsible department’s annual inventory.


Any trackable equipment that is checked out for use off campus requires an Off Campus Use Permit Form (OCUP) to be submitted to Inventory Control.

Departments can contact Delivery Services for a departmental OCUP.

OCUPs for laptops or other IT equipment must be provided by OTS. All laptops whether used on or off campus require an OCUP to be submitted by OTS.


CSN is responsible for approximately 20,000 college assets.

In compliance with NSHE policy and to ensure an accurate accounting of college assets, a comprehensive physical inventory during the winter break is completed.

To assist departments with annual inventory efforts, a team of Delivery Services staff use handheld RFID barcode readers and tablets with dedicated software to scan the inventory at every CSN location.

At the conclusion of the inventory process, a final inventory report identifying assets as either Found or Not Found is sent via email to each Inventory Custodian, accompanied by a Certification of Inventory document. Inventory Custodians must review the inventory, sign, and return the Certification of Inventory document to Inventory Control by a specified date.

An annual inventory report inclusive of the results of the college-wide inventory process is submitted to college administration no later than May 1st of each year.


A non-compliance violation occurs when during or after annual inventory is complete, it is discovered that the following has occurred:

  1. Movement of equipment without submission of an Asset Transfer Form.
  2. Equipment was checked out without and Off Campus Use Permit Form (OCUP).
  3. Improper disposal of assets into the trash by faculty, staff, or an outside supplier performing work.
  4. Assets were permanently removed from campus by an outside supplier after work was completed.
  5. Theft due to improper asset accountability by the department.

Department End Users, End User’s supervisors, and Inventory Custodians will be notified of any non-compliance violations and will need to respond confirming that they understand asset management procedures and will comply with those procedures moving forward.

Improper handling of college assets may be subject to further investigation by administration.


If your department has discovered that they have lost equipment or equipment has been stolen, contact the University Police Department (UPD) immediately to file a report.

For checked out equipment that has been lost or stolen off campus, contact the Metropolitan Police Department in the area that the incident occurred to file an investigation report. You must also still file a report with UPD.

An Asset Transfer Form must be submitted to Inventory Control, accompanied by any police reports.

OTS must be notified in the event that IT equipment is lost or stolen.


Why does the new equipment I just received have a CSN Asset Tag or grant sticker on it?

All received packages are subject to be opened and inspected. Goods are compared to packing lists and Purchase Order information. Items that meet asset tracking requirements are tagged and recorded in our inventory system.

Refer to the Delivery Services Guide for more additional information related to asset management and inventory control.

Our department’s asset equipment was delivered but I need it moved to a different location. How do I get it moved?

Once Delivery Services has delivered a shipment to your department, it is your department’s responsibility to coordinate a change in location.

Departments must submit an Asset Transfer Form to or via interoffice mail to NLVF110 prior to the move.

Requests to move computer hardware, peripherals, audiovisuals, and/or media equipment must be submitted to the Office of Technology Services Help Desk.

Requests to move furniture or other non-technology related equipment must be submitted through Facilities Management iServicedesk.

Our department cannot find one of our tagged assets and believe it is lost or stolen. What do we need to do?

Due diligence must be made by the responsible department to locate missing equipment. If an asset is determined to be lost or stolen, the responsible department must submit an Asset Transfer Form and provide a detailed statement to the University Police Department of the incident.

If an asset is stolen while off campus, you must also contact the Metropolitan Police Department zoned for the area in which the incident occurred.

» A copy of complete police statement(s) must be provided along with the Asset Transfer Form to Inventory Control. «

  • OTS must also be notified in the event that IT equipment is lost or stolen.

We received a direct shipment of equipment that we believe needs to have an asset tag. What do we need to do?

Contact Delivery Services, we will determine if your items require tagging and tracking.