Admissions FAQs

Have questions related to Admissions and Enrollment?

Click on a topic below and see some of our frequently asked questions to help you get quick answers!

How can I schedule a campus tour?

Come see for yourself how CSN makes engaged learning possible. While campus tours are not required, getting the opportunity to learn about admissions, facilities, support services, and available academic support available to you could prove fruitful for your academic journey. You may schedule an individual (you and your family) or group (school or organization) tour online through our Campus Visit website.

For more information on the types of campus tours we offer, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

How can I request information about the school?

Please complete our online Inquiry Form.  For more information on the admission requirements for CSN, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

Can I make an appointment to meet with a Recruiter?

For prospective students who have yet to apply or enroll in classes, meeting with one of our experienced CSN Recruiters is a great place to start. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (except for observed federal holidays) at any of our three main campuses. You may reach out by phone at any of the above locations to speak with a Recruitment representative or to set up an appointment.

To find the College of Southern Nevada’s days of operation, please view our current Academic Calendar.

Please note that CSN observes and will be closed all federal and state holidays.

For further information, you may reach out to the CSN Call Center by phone at: 702-651-5555.

Where is CSN located? 

CSN has three main campuses and seven learning centers. When you apply to be a student at CSN, you can take select classes at any of our campuses or learning centers located throughout the Clark County area. For a full overview of all of our campus locations, visit our Campus Locations website.

For further information, you may reach out to the CSN Call Center by phone at: 702-651-5555.

How can I get in contact with someone from CSN’s Admissions Office? 

For prospective students who have yet to apply or enroll in classes, meeting with one of our experienced CSN Recruiters is a great place to start. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (except for observed federal holidays) at any of our three main campuses. You may access our Department of Recruitment & College Connections website to find the location nearest you. You may also reach out by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

Once you have been admitted and have received your NSHE ID Number you will be able to schedule an advising appointment. Your advisor will discuss with you which classes to register for. Instructions on how to schedule an appointment are available on our Academic Advising website or you can call 702-651-5670.

What are CSN’s First Steps of Enrollment? 

Congratulations on your decision to go to college and thank you for considering CSN as a part of that journey.  Your firsts steps toward enrollment begin with your choosing the enrollment path which is best for you and then completing the Admissions Application.

Click on any of the below links to access information regarding First Steps towards enrollment.

For more information on the admission requirements for CSN, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I apply to CSN? 

CSN subscribes to an open admissions policy which means that all persons who are over the age of 16 and apply for admission will be accepted.  CSN does not have an admissions deadline however we encourage everyone to apply well before the start of the semester to allow time for processes to be complete and to secure a spot in classes. Although CSN does not require high school graduation or equivalency for admissions, it is required to seek financial aid.

Gifted students under the age of 16 can learn about our gifted minors program and students in high school can learn about the college-level courses available to them while still in high school through our various high school programs.

Anyone interested in attending CSN should fill out the Admissions Application.

We do have a one-time, non-refundable application fee. This fee will be due at the time of your first tuition deadline.  You can learn more on our Tuition and Fees website.

For more information on the admission requirements for CSN, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

What is next after I apply? 

It can take 4-5 business days for an application to be processed. Once you receive your admissions notification email with your NSHE ID, it is now time to validate, or setup, your account. You can accomplish this by going to the Account Validation website. After you have successfully set up your account and password, return to the GoCSN login page and proceed to login with your NSHE ID and your new password. This will give you access to all GoCSN Student Portal applications, including MyCSN.  If you did not receive an email notification or if you need assistance with this process, please reach out to the CSN Help Desk at 702-651-4357.

For further information, you may reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I validate my account? 

Once you receive your admissions notification email with your NSHE ID, it is now time to validate, or setup, your account. You can accomplish this by going to the Account Validation website. After you have successfully setup your account and password, return to the GoCSN login page and proceed to login with your NSHE ID and your new password. This will give you access to all GoCSN Student Portal applications, including MyCSN.  If you did not receive an email notification or if you need assistance with this process, please reach out to the Help Desk at 702-651-4357.

For further information, you may reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

Please tell me about CSN’s New Student Orientation. 

Orientation is a mandatory first step of enrollment and a great opportunity to get acquainted with CSN and all that our school has to offer you as a student. Orientation is done anytime online via the Orientation website in person through a Coyote Orientation Registration Event, or C.O.R.E. There is an additional orientation for limited entry health students.

Please tell me about CSN’s placement test. 

Before you can enroll in classes as a degree-seeking student, you will have to complete a placement test and meet with your Academic Advisor.

Placement tests are free exams conducted at the Testing Center on any of our three main campuses that determine only where CSN will place you for your English and Math courses. For further information about placement tests, you may visit the Testing Center website or call 702-651-5733.

Please tell me how to meet with an academic advisor.

After you complete your Placement Test, you will meet, by appointment, with your Academic Advisor who will create a degree plan with you that you’ll use to enroll in classes. For further information about the advising process, you can reach out to Academic Advising by email at Contact Us or by phone at any of our three main campuses:

  • North Las Vegas: 702-651-4049
  • Charleston: 702-651-5670
  • Henderson: 702-651-3165

How do I update my personally identifiable information (PII) at CSN?

Once you have submitted your Admission Application, you cannot make changes.  A completed Request to Change Personal Identification Data form must be accompanied by official documentation and submitted in person at the Office of the Registrar at one of our three main campuses. Campus locations and office hours can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

What is CSN’s Cost of Tuition?  

A full breakdown of CSN’s tuition and fees can be found online at our Tuition and Fees website.

For further information, you may reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

What is an excess credit fee and why am I being charged one? 

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), including the College of Southern Nevada, implemented an Excess Credit Fee in the Fall 2014 semester. The policy requires that an Excess Credit Fee shall be charged to a student who has attempted credits equal to 150 percent of the credits required for the student’s program of study. The amount of this additional fee is equal to 50 percent of the per credit registration fee.

You can submit an excess credit appeal in person or via email Contact Us. For more information, visit CSN’s Excess Credit website or reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610.

What is GoCSN?

To log in to your GoCSN, click the ‘LOGIN’ link at the top of any webpage. Next, log in with your NSHE ID and password. If you are having trouble accessing GoCSN, you may view the GoCSN Help website, you may also reach out to the CSN Help Desk at 702-651-4357.

What is CANVAS? 

CSN offers online and hybrid courses that utilize a course shell known as CANVAS. This is a platform for professors and instructors to develop their classes that you will take. If you need help with your CANVAS account, please visit our Help Desk.  You may also call the CSN Helpdesk at 702-651-4357.

What is MyCSN? 

GoCSN is a "one-stop" gateway for accessing many college applications and tools including MyCSN.  New students will be e-mailed their MyCSN login information to the e-mail they provided on their application for admission. Through the MyCSN portal, you have access to the following: enrollment, class schedules, informative checklist of "to do" items, readily available access to communications from the college, advanced planning tools, and more.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

Click on a topic below and see some of our frequently asked questions to help you get quick answers!

How can I schedule a campus tour?

Come see for yourself how CSN makes engaged learning possible. While campus tours are not required, getting the opportunity to learn about admissions, facilities, support services, and available academic support available to you could prove fruitful for your academic journey. You may schedule an individual (you and your family) or group (school or organization) tour online through our Campus Visit website.

For more information on the types of campus tours we offer, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

How can I request information about the school?

Please complete our online Inquiry Form.  For more information on the admission requirements for CSN, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

Can I make an appointment to meet with a Recruiter?

For prospective students who have yet to apply or enroll in classes, meeting with one of our experienced CSN Recruiters is a great place to start. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (except for observed federal holidays) at any of our three main campuses. You may reach out by phone at any of the above locations to speak with a Recruitment representative or to set up an appointment.

To find the College of Southern Nevada’s days of operation, please view our current Academic Calendar.

Please note that CSN observes and will be closed all federal and state holidays.

For further information, you may reach out to the CSN Call Center by phone at: 702-651-5555.

Where is CSN located? 

CSN has three main campuses and seven learning centers. When you apply to be a student at CSN, you can take select classes at any of our campuses or learning centers located throughout the Clark County area. For a full overview of all of our campus locations, visit our Campus Locations website.

For further information, you may reach out to the CSN Call Center by phone at: 702-651-5555.

How can I get in contact with someone from CSN’s Admissions Office? 

For prospective students who have yet to apply or enroll in classes, meeting with one of our experienced CSN Recruiters is a great place to start. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (except for observed federal holidays) at any of our three main campuses. You may access our Department of Recruitment & College Connections website to find the location nearest you. You may also reach out by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

Once you have been admitted and have received your NSHE ID Number you will be able to schedule an advising appointment. Your advisor will discuss with you which classes to register for. Instructions on how to schedule an appointment are available on our Academic Advising website or you can call 702-651-5670.

What are CSN’s First Steps of Enrollment? 

Congratulations on your decision to go to college and thank you for considering CSN as a part of that journey.  Your firsts steps toward enrollment begin with your choosing the enrollment path which is best for you and then completing the Admissions Application.

Click on any of the below links to access information regarding First Steps towards enrollment.

For more information on the admission requirements for CSN, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I apply to CSN? 

CSN subscribes to an open admissions policy which means that all persons who are over the age of 16 and apply for admission will be accepted.  CSN does not have an admissions deadline however we encourage everyone to apply well before the start of the semester to allow time for processes to be complete and to secure a spot in classes. Although CSN does not require high school graduation or equivalency for admissions, it is required to seek financial aid.

Gifted students under the age of 16 can learn about our gifted minors program and students in high school can learn about the college-level courses available to them while still in high school through our various high school programs.

Anyone interested in attending CSN should fill out the Admissions Application.

We do have a one-time, non-refundable application fee. This fee will be due at the time of your first tuition deadline.  You can learn more on our Tuition and Fees website.

For more information on the admission requirements for CSN, please reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

What is next after I apply? 

It can take 4-5 business days for an application to be processed. Once you receive your admissions notification email with your NSHE ID, it is now time to validate, or setup, your account. You can accomplish this by going to the Account Validation website. After you have successfully set up your account and password, return to the GoCSN login page and proceed to login with your NSHE ID and your new password. This will give you access to all GoCSN Student Portal applications, including MyCSN.  If you did not receive an email notification or if you need assistance with this process, please reach out to the CSN Help Desk at 702-651-4357.

For further information, you may reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I validate my account? 

Once you receive your admissions notification email with your NSHE ID, it is now time to validate, or setup, your account. You can accomplish this by going to the Account Validation website. After you have successfully setup your account and password, return to the GoCSN login page and proceed to login with your NSHE ID and your new password. This will give you access to all GoCSN Student Portal applications, including MyCSN.  If you did not receive an email notification or if you need assistance with this process, please reach out to the Help Desk at 702-651-4357.

For further information, you may reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

Please tell me about CSN’s New Student Orientation. 

Orientation is a mandatory first step of enrollment and a great opportunity to get acquainted with CSN and all that our school has to offer you as a student. Orientation is done anytime online via the Orientation website in person through a Coyote Orientation Registration Event, or C.O.R.E. There is an additional orientation for limited entry health students.

Please tell me about CSN’s placement test. 

Before you can enroll in classes as a degree-seeking student, you will have to complete a placement test and meet with your Academic Advisor.

Placement tests are free exams conducted at the Testing Center on any of our three main campuses that determine only where CSN will place you for your English and Math courses. For further information about placement tests, you may visit the Testing Center website or call 702-651-5733.

Please tell me how to meet with an academic advisor.

After you complete your Placement Test, you will meet, by appointment, with your Academic Advisor who will create a degree plan with you that you’ll use to enroll in classes. For further information about the advising process, you can reach out to Academic Advising by email at Contact Us or by phone at any of our three main campuses:

  • North Las Vegas: 702-651-4049
  • Charleston: 702-651-5670
  • Henderson: 702-651-3165

How do I update my personally identifiable information (PII) at CSN?

Once you have submitted your Admission Application, you cannot make changes.  A completed Request to Change Personal Identification Data form must be accompanied by official documentation and submitted in person at the Office of the Registrar at one of our three main campuses. Campus locations and office hours can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

What is CSN’s Cost of Tuition?  

A full breakdown of CSN’s tuition and fees can be found online at our Tuition and Fees website.

For further information, you may reach out to the Department of Recruitment & College Connections by phone at 702-651-7416 or by email at Contact Us.

What is an excess credit fee and why am I being charged one? 

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), including the College of Southern Nevada, implemented an Excess Credit Fee in the Fall 2014 semester. The policy requires that an Excess Credit Fee shall be charged to a student who has attempted credits equal to 150 percent of the credits required for the student’s program of study. The amount of this additional fee is equal to 50 percent of the per credit registration fee.

You can submit an excess credit appeal in person or via email Contact Us. For more information, visit CSN’s Excess Credit website or reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610.

What is GoCSN?

To log in to your GoCSN, click the ‘LOGIN’ link at the top of any webpage. Next, log in with your NSHE ID and password. If you are having trouble accessing GoCSN, you may view the GoCSN Help website, you may also reach out to the CSN Help Desk at 702-651-4357.

What is CANVAS? 

CSN offers online and hybrid courses that utilize a course shell known as CANVAS. This is a platform for professors and instructors to develop their classes that you will take. If you need help with your CANVAS account, please visit our Help Desk.  You may also call the CSN Helpdesk at 702-651-4357.

What is MyCSN? 

GoCSN is a "one-stop" gateway for accessing many college applications and tools including MyCSN.  New students will be e-mailed their MyCSN login information to the e-mail they provided on their application for admission. Through the MyCSN portal, you have access to the following: enrollment, class schedules, informative checklist of "to do" items, readily available access to communications from the college, advanced planning tools, and more.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

What is the process to add or drop a course at CSN? 

You can find detailed instructions on various MyCSN processes in our MyCSN Student Guide website. If you're unsure of how you want to adjust things, reach out to your Academic Advisor with any questions. Keep in mind that deadlines will apply and can be found by viewing the Academic Calendar. If the semester has begun and you are receiving financial aid or Veterans benefits, be sure to talk to a representative from the appropriate department prior to making changes in your enrollment. Only they can explain how changes can affect your eligibility.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

When can I begin registering in classes? 

CSN has three semesters: Spring, Fall and Summer.  Priority registration is assigned to students enrolled in the current semester.  Each student is assigned an enrollment date and time. Please check the Enrollment Dates section of your MyCSN to get details on when your priority registration begins.  All other students can begin registering during open enrollment.  You can find details about important registration and academic dates on the Academic Calendar.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I audit a class? 

You can complete an Auditing Classes Form and submit it in-person to the Office of the Registrar at one of our three main campuses. Auditing a class can affect your eligibility for financial assistance, If you are receiving financial aid or Veteran's benefits, it is important that you speak with a representative from these departments prior to auditing a class. It is important to note that an audit course does not count toward enrollment for financial aid purposes, but you will still be charged for the cost of the class.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

What is an enrollment hold and how do I remove it? 

There are a range of reasons that may cause a hold to be added to your account. This may prevent you from registering for classes. Check your MyCSN account to view any current holds that need to be addressed. Once the hold has been satisfied, it will be removed. For any further questions you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

You can obtain more details about the specific hold on your account by visiting your MyCSN webpage and clicking on the hold in question.

How do I change my major or minor? 

Since 2018, CSN students are allowed to have only ONE declared major at a time. Students requesting to have more than one major must meet one of the approved exception criteria and submit the Request for Multiple Majors Form in person, with the appropriate signatures, to the Office of the Registrar at any of our three main campuses. The signed form may also be sent via email to contact us. To access the form, please visit the Registrar Forms website.

After consulting with your CSN advisor, you can declare or change your major through your MyCSN account. You can find detailed instructions on various MyCSN processes including requesting a Program Plan Change (Declaration of Major) at the MyCSN Student Guide website.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at contact us.

What is the process of getting on a class waitlist? 

If the class you are interested in is full, check to see if a waitlist option is available for the class. You can find detailed instructions on various MyCSN processes, including adding and dropping waitlisted classes in the MyCSN Student Guide. As positions become available, students are enrolled from the waitlist and notified of the enrollment via their CSN student email account. It is also a good idea to speak to an Academic Advisor to look at other class options. For further questions, please reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

What is enrollment verification and how do I request it? 

You can obtain enrollment verifications from the National Student Clearinghouse, or by following the instructions provided on the MyCSN Student Guide website. To have an assigned form filled out, such as for an insurance agency, scholarship entity, Veteran's Affairs, Bank, Common Application, etc, please provide the form to the Office of the Registrar. The processing time is 3-5 business days.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I transfer to CSN? 

You can apply to CSN by filling out the Admission Application online. In 4-5 business days, you will receive your NSHE ID (student ID number). Following this, you may submit official transcripts to the Office of the Registrar in person, via mail, or electronically. For more detailed instructions visit: If your prior institution utilizes digital transcripts, they can submit a copy to Contact Us.

Once you receive an email notifying you that your evaluation is complete, please make an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor to help show how your credits can best work for you.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at: 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

Can you tell me about the NSHE to NSHE Transcript Request form? 

Students interested in transferring from one NSHE institution to another would want to submit an NSHE to NSHE Transcript Request. This is the fastest and easiest way to transfer credits between NSHE institutions. If transferring from CSN to another NSHE institution, you can submit a completed copy of the form to the Office of the Registrar on any of our three major campuses.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

Where do I find the catalog of courses available at CSN? 

To see a full list of degrees, courses, and CSN’s policies and procedures, visit our CSN Catalog. We recommend that you meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss degree requirements and other CSN policies.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

How can I submit an appeal? 

Student refund/pardon of fees appeals, Academic Suspension Appeals, and Excess Credit Appeals can be submitted via email to: Contact Us.  Be sure you include all supporting documentation along with your appeal to increase the possibility of approval.

To submit appeals pertaining to financial aid such as Satisfactory Academic Progress or Promise, please reach out to the Financial Aid Office at 702-651-4303.

To appeal a grade, you should first speak to your instructor. For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at: 702-651-5610 or by email at: Contact Us.

What is the process to add or drop a course at CSN? 

You can find detailed instructions on various MyCSN processes in our MyCSN Student Guide website. If you're unsure of how you want to adjust things, reach out to your Academic Advisor with any questions. Keep in mind that deadlines will apply and can be found by viewing the Academic Calendar. If the semester has begun and you are receiving financial aid or Veterans benefits, be sure to talk to a representative from the appropriate department prior to making changes in your enrollment. Only they can explain how changes can affect your eligibility.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

When can I begin registering in classes? 

CSN has three semesters: Spring, Fall and Summer.  Priority registration is assigned to students enrolled in the current semester.  Each student is assigned an enrollment date and time. Please check the Enrollment Dates section of your MyCSN to get details on when your priority registration begins.  All other students can begin registering during open enrollment.  You can find details about important registration and academic dates on the Academic Calendar.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I audit a class? 

You can complete an Auditing Classes Form and submit it in-person to the Office of the Registrar at one of our three main campuses. Auditing a class can affect your eligibility for financial assistance, If you are receiving financial aid or Veteran's benefits, it is important that you speak with a representative from these departments prior to auditing a class. It is important to note that an audit course does not count toward enrollment for financial aid purposes, but you will still be charged for the cost of the class.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

What is an enrollment hold and how do I remove it? 

There are a range of reasons that may cause a hold to be added to your account. This may prevent you from registering for classes. Check your MyCSN account to view any current holds that need to be addressed. Once the hold has been satisfied, it will be removed. For any further questions you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

You can obtain more details about the specific hold on your account by visiting your MyCSN webpage and clicking on the hold in question.

How do I change my major or minor? 

Since 2018, CSN students are allowed to have only ONE declared major at a time. Students requesting to have more than one major must meet one of the approved exception criteria and submit the Request for Multiple Majors Form in person, with the appropriate signatures, to the Office of the Registrar at any of our three main campuses. The signed form may also be sent via email to contact us. To access the form, please visit the Registrar Forms website.

After consulting with your CSN advisor, you can declare or change your major through your MyCSN account. You can find detailed instructions on various MyCSN processes including requesting a Program Plan Change (Declaration of Major) at the MyCSN Student Guide website.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at contact us.

What is the process of getting on a class waitlist? 

If the class you are interested in is full, check to see if a waitlist option is available for the class. You can find detailed instructions on various MyCSN processes, including adding and dropping waitlisted classes in the MyCSN Student Guide. As positions become available, students are enrolled from the waitlist and notified of the enrollment via their CSN student email account. It is also a good idea to speak to an Academic Advisor to look at other class options. For further questions, please reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

What is enrollment verification and how do I request it? 

You can obtain enrollment verifications from the National Student Clearinghouse, or by following the instructions provided on the MyCSN Student Guide website. To have an assigned form filled out, such as for an insurance agency, scholarship entity, Veteran's Affairs, Bank, Common Application, etc, please provide the form to the Office of the Registrar. The processing time is 3-5 business days.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

How do I transfer to CSN? 

You can apply to CSN by filling out the Admission Application online. In 4-5 business days, you will receive your NSHE ID (student ID number). Following this, you may submit official transcripts to the Office of the Registrar in person, via mail, or electronically. For more detailed instructions visit: If your prior institution utilizes digital transcripts, they can submit a copy to Contact Us.

Once you receive an email notifying you that your evaluation is complete, please make an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor to help show how your credits can best work for you.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at: 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

Can you tell me about the NSHE to NSHE Transcript Request form? 

Students interested in transferring from one NSHE institution to another would want to submit an NSHE to NSHE Transcript Request. This is the fastest and easiest way to transfer credits between NSHE institutions. If transferring from CSN to another NSHE institution, you can submit a completed copy of the form to the Office of the Registrar on any of our three major campuses.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

Where do I find the catalog of courses available at CSN? 

To see a full list of degrees, courses, and CSN’s policies and procedures, visit our CSN Catalog. We recommend that you meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss degree requirements and other CSN policies.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

How can I submit an appeal? 

Student refund/pardon of fees appeals, Academic Suspension Appeals, and Excess Credit Appeals can be submitted via email to: Contact Us.  Be sure you include all supporting documentation along with your appeal to increase the possibility of approval.

To submit appeals pertaining to financial aid such as Satisfactory Academic Progress or Promise, please reach out to the Financial Aid Office at 702-651-4303.

To appeal a grade, you should first speak to your instructor. For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at: 702-651-5610 or by email at: Contact Us.

I would like information about my transcript. 

You can request a copy of your official transcript at the Cashier’s Office at any of the three main campuses, or by following the instructions provided on our Transcripts website. There is a cost to request an official transcript and it will be sent by mail in 7-10 business days.

Unofficial transcripts are free. You can print them yourself via MyCSN or pick them up at any of the main campus Office of the Registrar.  More information about obtaining a transcript, how to order an official transcript online, or checking the status of your current request, can be found on our Transcripts website or by emailing Contact Us.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.

I would like information about my transcript. 

You can request a copy of your official transcript at the Cashier’s Office at any of the three main campuses, or by following the instructions provided on our Transcripts website. There is a cost to request an official transcript and it will be sent by mail in 7-10 business days.

Unofficial transcripts are free. You can print them yourself via MyCSN or pick them up at any of the main campus Office of the Registrar.  More information about obtaining a transcript, how to order an official transcript online, or checking the status of your current request, can be found on our Transcripts website or by emailing Contact Us.

For further information, you may reach out to the Office of the Registrar by phone at 702-651-5610 or by email at Contact Us.