Advertising & Promotion

Advertising Consultation

We are more than happy to consult with you about your advertising options. We can offer advice on any advertising medium and can verify ratings and research data if needed.  We can also offer our expertise about making your product stand out and how to ensure you are targeting the right audience with the right message. We can also help you identify inexpensive and free grass-roots marketing tactics.

NOTE: You must consult with the marketing department prior to production if you have secured advertising or are planning to purchase advertising. We must approve of the tactics, content and design of all official college marketing efforts, even if donated.

Our ultimate goal is to assist you in the formation of a marketing plan that works within your budget to help you reach the largest audience possible in the most convenient and cost effective way.

Materials & Merchandise

OFFICIAL MATERIALS - We have created official college material ranging from view books and departmental brochures to fliers and large-format displays. If we do not have the design to fit your intended usage, please let us know what you need and we can look at options together. While we can't produce materials for every administrative and academic area, we will try to fit in as many projects we can handle internally based on current workload. If we can't take on your specific project, we will do our best to identify inexpensive option for you if at all possible.

PUBLICATIONS - If you need a quote for a larger project such as a magazine or other professional publication, we are happy to offer our expertise and contacts to make sure it is done as professionally and as inexpensively as possible.

PROMOTIONAL ITEMS - We have several approved vendors to help you get the best possible price for the branded promotional items you may need. We can also make recommendations for you based on price, desired design and date of delivery.

NOTE: All materials, publications and promotional items must be reviewed by the marketing department prior to design and publication. Proposed text should be approved by marketing or the communications office before you begin the design phase or prior to our first consultation. Academic materials intended for internal student use are not subject to approval but the logo and brand must adhere to standards.  See the Design & Multimedia page for details.

Table covers must be ordered through a our designated vendor in order to ensure color matching and all logos are standardized across departments.

If we can help with any of the items above, please contact us.