Design & Multimedia

We can assist with logo usage, photo editing, illustrations and other visual elements. We can also discuss photography and videography options based on your project scope and image needs. Depending upon current workload and lead time, we can usually partner with you to create posters, advertisements, fliers, brochures and other media. Effective graphic design can help to draw the attention necessary to reach your target audience.

The Marketing Department also maintains the brand and standards of use. The guidelines in the CSN Style Guide outline every aspect of the CSN brand including:

  • Proper and improper usage
  • Space and size requirements
  • Printing requirements
  • Obtaining authorization

Please take a moment to explore the manual and become familiar with the logo and all guidelines.

The logo files referenced throughout the manual can be quickly provided to you.  Please email your request to the marketing department.

NOTE: Logo usage and print authorization must be secured for all external materials and for many internal materials.

  • External logo usage requests and final publication approval is required through consultation with the Marketing Department and a completed Public Relations & Advertising Release Form (PA-1a). This form is also required to accompany your payment processing paperwork.
  • Internal academic materials for use among faculty and students, as well as academic publications, do not require prior approval but must adhere to all style guide standards.
  • Other internal materials must be evaluated by either the marketing department or communications office prior to production to meet guidelines.

If you have questions about usage approval or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact us.

Make sure to consult with Printing Services (Reprographics) and Mail Services for the proper printing process required formats for both printing and postage.

Intercampus Communication System (ICS)

CSN maintains a network of nearly 100 flat screen monitors strategically mounted in many public spaces and faculty office suites at our three main campuses and four of our learning centers. This digital signage network is in place to provide a forum for visual content pertinent to the CSN community. We refer to this network of flat screen monitors as the ICS.

Web Page Best Practices

We realize that many of our page owners are not used to editing and maintaining web pages. We have created a collection of best practices to help you design pages, create visuals and write content. Combined with required CAPE training on our content management system, DRUPAL, these pages should give you the basic knowledge to begin to create and revise your assigned pages.