Excellence Employee Awards

The Excellence Employee Awards recognize faculty and staff members who demonstrate excellence in the following categories:

Award Overview: Each spring semester the Internal Recognition Committee (IRC) recommends up to ten (10) Excellence Award recipients from the following categories: Assessment, Community Service, Online Teaching, Research and Service to CSN. Winners are announced at Fall Convocation and each recipient receives a $500 cash award.

Firm Deadline: Friday, April 18, 2025 at 5 p.m.


  • Any full-time faculty or staff member who has been employed for at least one (1) year by January 1, 2024.
  • Any employee previously nominated may be re-nominated provided the employee has not been chosen as a recipient of this award within the last three (3) years.
  • Previous winners cannot be nominated for three years, at which time, only material not previously submitted will be considered.
  • For committee consideration, this nomination must be answered in completion and typed.

Selection Process:

  • The IRC will review and score all nominations based on the criteria outlined in the award category’s score sheet which is made available below.
  • Awards will not be given to any Excellence category with fewer than three nominees.
  • Recipients of Excellence Awards are restricted to a single award category.
  • More than one winner may be recommended from this category based on the scoring results and at the discretion of the IRC.
  • The IRC submits their recommendations to the President and VP of Academic Affairs for final selection.

To Nominate:

The application may be completed in collaboration with a nominator, or by process of self-nomination—the selection committee will evaluate both forms of nomination equally.

  • Self-nominees: You must obtain a signature of endorsement from your supervisor.
  • Nominators: Complete this form with the collaboration of the nominee.

To ensure that the evaluation process is both fair and consistent, please consider how the information will be interpreted by the IRC based on the criteria on the corresponding score sheet. Make sure you provide detailed examples and avoid general comments. Only information included on the nomination form will be considered.

Submit Nomination:

Nominations must be submitted electronically as a PDF file to jennifer.daughtery@csn.edu by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 18, 2025. The easiest way to send the nomination packet is to put the completed and signed nomination documents on a school copier, select “email” then add as a recipient. The copier will automatically scan and send it as a .pdf file. You will receive a confirmation email from an IRC member within 48 hours. If you do not receive a confirmation email, contact Jenn Daughtery via email or office phone (702) 651-2612. Please DO NOT SEND HARD COPIES via intercampus mail .

Award Categories (nomination forms and score sheets):

Excellence in Assessment

Recipient(s) of this award will have demonstrated outstanding contributions to CSN's culture of assessment. This can be through ongoing efforts in the classroom, work on committees within their department or the college and/or though participation on a project that has individual or far-reaching benefits.

Excellence in Community Service

Recipient(s) of this award will have exhibited outstanding efforts with non-profit, civic, arts, professional or educational organizations and thereby contribute to the positive image and reputation of CSN.

Excellence in Online Teaching

Recipient(s) of this award will have established success in online teaching through promotion of student success, excellent use of technology, effective pedagogy, and relevant professional development.

Excellence in Research

Recipient(s) of this award will have contributed to student success through scholarship and relevant professional development. Efforts include development and execution of a research project which resulted in publication and/or conference participation.

Excellence in Service to CSN

Recipient(s) of this award will have demonstrated commitment to service to CSN through a variety of efforts in different areas or exceptional efforts in one area. This could include areas such as customer service or those related to the mission of CSN: access, quality education and/or diversity. Nominees for this award could have also contributed in ways outside of what is outlined here as long as provided examples convey the unique contribution of the nominee. Click on the link to find the nomination form and the accompanying score sheet.