Online Testimonials

What Students are Saying about Online Campus

You are busy. We know. Whether you are a full-time mother trying to sneak in classes after the kids go to bed, you are a father, trying to make ends meet and looking to increase your skills, or full-time employed and seeking more opportunity, Online Campus is about your success in a busy life. See what some of our students are saying about their online classes.

Thanks to the Instructor

image of man with a camera
"I appreciate that you've taken the time to make videos and make class more interactive with weekly assignments in addition to the LabSim material. I think that helps us digest and retain the information much better, so thank you."

Courses for Travel

Photo of airplane and the sunset
"[My Instructor] made videos to demonstrate how to work through the class and then to illustrate each grammar point that she was covering in the curriculum. They were very valuable classes for me because I was able to take what I learned and use it when I traveled to Russia last summer."

Instructor Takes Time

Photo of airplane and the sunset
"[My] classes online were absolutely excellent. [The instructor] gave individual comments to students (five minutes at least) for each assignment and was able to give detailed criticism for each student's assignments."

Videos and Student Connection

student chatting at Computer
"[Our instructor] had individual Jing videos that we could watch as many times as we needed to in order to understand new concepts.  I [felt] connected to others in the course because [the instructor] also had a bulletin board function open, and students responded to each other on the board."

Fun Learning in Group Sessions

image of students working in a virtual classroom
"I have had wonderful experiences taking [online classes] at CSN. The classes are very organized and understandable.... Furthermore, even though the class is online, [the instructor] enjoys teaching which is quite evident when we interact with her online in group sessions and the short mini lessons. I never had as much fun learning and understanding a difficult subject."

Feel Like I'm Face to Face

photo of heavy traffic
"I find it easier to attend classes in the evening online since I hate the traffic. As for online versus face to face, [the instructor] is so perfect that I feel like I am right there face to face."