CSN - Scholarships

CSN Scholarship Banner with dollar sign with graduation cap on top of it.

Welcome to CSN Scholarships

Whether you’re a high school student, college student, nontraditional, or adult-learner, colleges offer scholarships to recruit a talented and diverse student body.  Scholarships are an alternative to loans.  Whether you’re a student or thinking of becoming a student, scholarships can be helpful in funding your education.  The CSN Financial Aid Office is here to help.

Helpful Tips:

  • Keep an eye on deadline dates!
  • The first step is to make sure you qualify for the scholarship.  Apply for every scholarship for which you are eligible. Every dollar you win in scholarships is a dollar less you have to borrow.
  • Your chances of winning a small scholarship are greater than your chances of winning a more lucrative scholarship because they are less competitive. But winning several small scholarships can add up to big money.
  • Essays can often be reused on multiple scholarship applications with slight tweaks, saving you a lot of time.

CSN wishes to thank all the current scholarship donors for their continued support. It is through their thoughtfulness and support that many CSN students are able to continue their education and change their lives.