Counseling & Retention Services

Welcome to the Department of Counseling & Retention Services


Who Counselors Serve / How Counselors Help:

  • Academic Challenges (self-referrals)
  • Academic Warning / Probation / Suspension Appeals
  • BAS-Project Management majors
  • College and Community Resources
  • College Success Strategies
  • Financial Aid Warning / Suspension Appeals
  • MyCoyotePLAN Early Alerts (instructor referrals)
  • Returning Students

How to Connect With Us:

Academic Advisors:

If you need assistance with course planning, please schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor on the Academic Advising webpage.

Health Science Majors:

If you have questions about any of the Health Programs, or wish to meet with a Health Program Advisor, please schedule an appointment with a Health Program Advisor.

The "MyCSN" student portal is a "one-stop" gateway for accessing your student information and communication center.

If you are having trouble accessing your MyCSN, password issues or any other aspect of your MyCSN account, you can access Getting Help with MyCSN

If you do not know which School your major is housed in, please visit our Academics Page.

To change from one program of study or major to another (including from personal-enrichment/non-degree seeking to degree-seeking, and vice versa) students must do so online from their MyCSN portal by following Declaration of Major Instructions.

Please note: Counselors cannot change majors for any student. Students must do this themselves.

You will receive an email from the college shortly after you enter the change in your MyCSN to inform you that you have requested the change correctly.

You will also be able to view this message in your MyCSN Communications Center.

NOTE:  Approved declaration of major changes take effect the 1st day of the next semester following submission.

Getting your college transcript evaluated is an important step in transferring to CSN.

For instructions on how transfer your credits from other institutions to the College of Southern Nevada, please see Transferring Credits to CSN

CSN implemented the Excess Credit Fee in the Fall 2014 semester. This fee was adopted by the Board of Regents for the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and applies to all NSHE colleges and universities. The policy requires that an Excess Credit Fee shall be charged to a student who has attempted credits equal to 150 percent of the credits required for the student’s program of study.

For more information on the Excess Credit Fee and if you can appeal the fee, see Excess Credit Information

CSN tuition and fees are established by the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents.

View current CSN Tuiton and Fees Costs